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Wiser by Blair BW

When I was young I learned to fear the very thing that everyone wants, happiness. A child’s life is easy, free of burdens and responsibilities. How easier it was to be happy then, to let yourself experience true bliss without thinking of the strings attached. However at a very young age I learned, that there is no such thing as happiness alone, with it comes a series of complexities that drowns out the joy in our hearts. This is a just world that we live in, and everything must have its balance. If I become extremely happy today, I would expect a lot of disappointments and despair for the days that follow. It has always been that way for me, since I was a child.

Then, I grew up and have thought of this theory as illogical and somewhat childish. Yet here I am now years later, faced with the same scenario as when I was 10 years old. How crazy this seemed then and yet it still makes sense.

Blair: Anna, knapa bah mcm sa malang btul ni?
Anna: B. Maybe this happened for a reason.

Muka Anna yg kesian sma sa.

Anna: Lagipun kita masih muda juga. Masi panjang ni perjalanan hidup. This may sounds cliche but there is a man out there who deserves you at your best.

October 200X

Hari tu sa pg school mcm biasa. Mcm ada 3 hari sdh ni xda jumpa Alastair. Kenapa dia ni ah? Tidak lama lagi pulang KL. Takkan tdk mau spend time sma sa? Tapi sa cuba jadi optimist.

Blair, Blair. Ko ingat ko saturang ja kah dia mau spend time? Ya lah mungkin dia sama family dia.

But knapa sa text dia semalam dia jawab 'k' ja. Punya lah panas hati sa. Pikiran sa lain-lain sdh. Sampai tidur pun susah. Semua position pun nda ngam.

Next week ada camping sekolah. Actually sa pengerusi utk 1 persatuan ni and in charge utk organise ni camping. So sa cuba utk tdk kasi sesak otak sa psl Alastair and focus on the camping arrangement.

Yg bkin panas si Denver pula jadi AJK. Tapi sa mau cakap tidak pun.. tdk boleh. So sa cuba jd professional lah kunun tu.

Masi rehat tu ada team meeting lah utk update task masing2. Semua sdh settle. Surat kebenaran ibubapa sudah settle. AJK aktiviti pun sdh settle dgn games dorg. AJK makanan, keselamatan, kebersihan pun sdh update part masing2. Penceramah jemputan pun sudah confirmed. Ok senang sdh hati sa tgl tgu program camping berjalan lagi.

Selepas bersurai tu si Denver lambat2 lagi mau berdiri. Sa kemas-kemas sdh note book sa smua. Tgl mau blah lagi dari sana.

Denver: B.. da sa mau ckp
Blair: Knapa tdk cakap tadi time kana tnya?
Denver: Dgr dlu bah..

Sa malas mau layan si Denver ni tapi sa malas juga mau kasi kecoh2 sna sbb beberapa org tu tgk2 kami sdh.

Blair: Bah mari pg sana lah skijap.

Sambil angkat barang-barang sa tu. Sa bercakap sma c Denver smbil menuju pg class sa.

Blair: Ah, knapa?
Denver: B. Boyfriend ko tu jgn lah ko tlmpau percaya sama dia.
Blair: Apa bah masalah ko ni ah? Ko tdk bulih nampak sa senang kah? Sa xda pun sibuk2 hal ko sama gf ko kan?
Denver: Ko dgr ja bah cakap sa ni..
Blair: Klu psl ini lah ko mau ckp sa xda masa mau layan ko oh.
Denver: B..
Blair: Sudah lah. Ko jgn sibuk hal sa!
Denver: Sa kenal sepa tu prempuan.
Blair: Sudah la!!

Geram sdh sa tu time. Sa kasi laju sdh langkah sa then naik pg class sa. Kelas kami ni isolated sikit bah. Si Denver masi bubut sa dari blkg.. sa buka tu pintu class sa dgn muka yg marah. Yang sa geram tu si Denver tiba2 ikut sa masuk juga. Tu class yg kecoh2 tadi tiba2 diam tgk kami. Muka si Anna and Emma yg kehairanan sdh..

Wiser by Blair BWWhere stories live. Discover now