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Wiser by Blair BW

What should I do?

Masi sa befikir ni.. pndi berpeluh2 pula palm sa ni..

10 minutes later..

J: I'm downstairs.. Need more time?

Aiyaaa.. Blair.. remember you just want to explore & enjoy this trip.

B: 2 Minutes.

Sa tukar baju pakai basic shirt hitam & fav ripped skinny jeans and sneakers and sling bag. Sa smpi di lobby dia senyum2 sama sa. Aah screw this awkward feeling.

B: you better be right about this place or you're not coming back here in one piece.
J: I like that.

Dia bawa sa pg makan di Baboon House. Mcm garden ni restaurant dia and mcm hutan juga. Hehe and you can still feel & smell the authentic Baba & Nyonya old building. Sa & Jared makan burger. Sedap juga lah nda juga rugi pg. Patty dia homemade and harga bulih2 lah. Tapi tu ja lah ni restaurant does not allow taking photos.

J: So, are you a journalist or becoming one?
B: No what makes u think so?
J: Your little black book..
B: Oh.. I just like to write for my own keeping.
J: Nice..
B: Thanks..
J: Your eyes..

Sa gusuk2 mata sa.. manatau ada taik mata.

B: Kenapa?
J: The way you look at all these things here. Like excited little kids.
B: Lol..
J: Finally ko ketawa..
B: Takkan mau nangis? I can cry now and make drama..
J: Funny girl..

Funny girl? I ever heard of someone calling me that. But aaah forget it.

B: Are you done? Shall we make a move now?
J: Yes your highness.
B: Ahahaha ~ trus sa prasan dia enjoy tgk sa ketawa. Jd sa diam.
J: Lets go..

Bila kmi kluar tu sa buli rasa sdh tu crowd di sebelah jalan. Tu Jonker Street mmg tourist attraction. Mcm buka on Friday - Sunday. Byk gerai2 jual fingerfood, local food and souveniers yg cantik2 ni. Sa apalagi mmg excited btul sa x pduli sdh si Jared. He just followed me from behind and da jga skali skala dia tepigang2 tangan sa mau elak kesesakan sma urg ramai ni. Ramai btul tourists.. tu barang2 mau pandai bargain and Jared was good at it. So I bought an envelope purse mcm tu kain Baba & Nyonya. Very nice to go for dinner & black dress. The night was so vibrant. Org yg lalu lalang mcm bz ja ni ntah apa yg drg kelam kabut. Haha.. But I enjoyed the hustle bustle of the street.

Mmg byk mau guna energy ni jalan di Jonker Street. The excitement just gave me an adrenaline rush. Haha.. Byk bars spjg tu jalan. Happening ni mcm ada mini party di sidewalks & live music coursing throughout.

Sdh penat2 jalan sana si Jared bawa sa pg sana Bistro Year 1963. Antik btl ni tempat & open air. Sa ambik2 gambar ja & cerita kosong sama si Jared.

J: Blair..
B: Ya..
J: I really like you..
B: Cannot be. You like Sara.
J: No I dont. I just had to contact her cos you never give me yr phone number.
B: You cant just do that to people. Pretend to like them, give hope and just dump them. Men are just mostly jerks!
You know what we should go back to the hotel.
J: No.
B: Why not?
J: I just have one more place to take you. And then I promise we'll get back to the hotel.

He took my hand and we headed to a place called Reggae on the River. Hmmm..cantik ni tmpt very relaxing. Sa terlupa sdh sa mau blk hotel. Tu kerusi dia mcm rotan & music dia mmg reggae ni mcm ko rasa ko bkn di Malaysia. Haha.. the people, the atmosphere just carried me away. Murah juga minuman dia sana. Mcm sa haus pla tgk tu beer. Ahaha..

K lah sa minum. Mula2 mau 1-2 kali tp bila si Jared tgk sa kan.. aiyaa.. his eyes.. knapa juga sa nervous nii.. ok sa tambah lagi minum. Makin rancak sa bercerita ni..

Wiser by Blair BWWhere stories live. Discover now