Me and shawn

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Shawn's pov

I woke up. All I could think about was last night. I wanted it but I couldn't do it I'm terrified. I was terrified of last night she didn't stop it so I to sure hell wasn't going to either. Taylor walked in the room "aye bro." he said. "aye.". "Is you v card still in your pocket???" he asked. "Yes!" god I was gonna get tired of that. Riley woke up. She had the biggest smile on her face. "hey bae." I say. "good morning." she said. "What did you do to her??" Taylor asked. "Nothing" I say smiling. "let's get breakfast." yes she smile and ran out into the hallway I forgot that she was still in my shirt it looked really good on her. She stared skipping and I ran after her I finally caught up with her. "where you goin?" I say and laugh. "I'm staying with you!" she said smiling and taped my nose. Taylor was be hide us so was Matt but I didn't care. I kissed her I just went for it. "Ding!" I looked up and Matt and Taylor were in the elevator. "What the hell just happen?" Matt said looking confused. before I could respond Taylor chimed in "Not as bad as what I walked into last night!". Matts mouth dropped. "We didn't do anything!" I exclaimed. "I wish." I heard in a whisper but know one else herd her, I just smiled.

We finally got to breakfast. Riley ran over to the food as fast as possible. She can back with her plate full of food! "damn for a girl that skinny!" I say trying to make it a joke. she just smiled and stuffed pancakes in her mouth. we sat next to each other of coarse witch made it even mor awkward when the rest of the guys came to join us. Nash sat on the other side of Riley next to Cameron and the rest filled in. Riley's hand was some what in between ours. I've never been good at relationships but I was gonna try like the notebook or something. I hadn't asked her out yet so we weren't official dating but it felt like we were I just need to ask. but not here not now I'll wait.

Riley's pov

Some how months have gone by since I was kidnapped me and Shawn our inseparable yet he hasn't asked me to be his girl friend so I'm kinda confused. considering what we almost did a week ago I think we pretty much are dating. Only Matt and Taylor know about it so I want it to stay that way. I don't want to think of me differently cause I've know him for like 4 months now. I haven't talked to my family but they probably don't care. I haven't seen my kidnapper since that one time but I'm not gonna linger in the past the probably forgot about me. Shawn is my new family I just don't want to tell him cause my "mom" was old anyway and I never said that my foster dad died I just pretend he's still there. I'm alone but Shawn helps me forget about that. "knock, can I come in" it was Shawn. "Yes!" I say in my little adorable high pictograms voice when I'm around a guy I like. He was holding a guitar, he stood in front of me and started to sing a drop in the ocean

"A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather I was praying that you and me might end up together, it's like wishing for rain as I stand it the dessert I'm hiding you closer than most cause you are heaven!"

He sang to me and I started to cry. "Riley, hey are you all right?" shawn asked. "tears of joy." I say "the fact that you sang to me rather than any other girl out there makes me feel special!" I say. He smiles and pulls out a little box and opens it their a diamond necklace that says "Shawn". "Will you be my girlfriend, i know it's a little extreme but..." I stopped him there "Yess!" I say and jump up. "hold on one second." he said as he took the necklace out of the box and put it on me. "I love it!" I say smiling. "it's almost 6 were going to dinner with guys, is that alright?"he asked. While smiling I say "of coarse!".

Shall we were meeting them their be pulled out his car keys and on the side was a metal plate. "What's that?" I asked. he showed me on one side it said Riley and on the other it said together forever! I smile and he Takes my hand. I smile and close my every and imagine us together forever and it flows like it's already happened.

Well thank you for reading so far I love comment and votes!!! if you like it please tell me if you don't well I can't Change you option. we'll thank you reading😀☺️☺️

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