Back to the beach

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Riley's pov

I woke up the next morning in Shawn's arms. everyone was spread out all over the floor shawn had a smile across his face even in His sleep. Nash cam running in though the door. "why are you up?" he smiled and screamed püma. god he was annoying but funny. Shawn's eyes are wide open and I'm looking at him while wrapped in his arms. I probably look like a freak. he smiled and kissed my forehead before he stood up. Matt and every one else soon got up even though the rest if us had gotten ready. We said good bye to them cause their flight is today.

Me and shawn where the only ones here now. "I like the quite." Shawn's smiles and replies "me too." I'm so proud we have never gotten in a fight like most couples I don't know if that's bad or good. Good cause he knows that it's kinda been a bad life for me but he takes all that pain away. I know I'm only 17 and I never thought I would know what love is but somehow I found it in shawn. I was a loser and an outcast but shawn makes me feel like a princess. "I love you." I say and he looks at me with a small smile "I love you more and do you want to go back to the beach durning winter break?" I smile and nod my head. "We can stop in ohio if you want?" and my smile got even bigger I needed to say bye to my family. I couldn't stop my self I sat on top of him and bit my lip. He smiled and leaned in to kiss me but I put my hand over his mouth."your the best I love you." I moved my hand and his lips crashed against mine. "I've wanted to kiss you like this but people were here." he said centimeters from my mouth. "Me too." smashing my lips against his. we kissed for what seemed for ever but if was really like only 5 minutes. "We should go outside." I took his hand and ran toward the door. I slide on my vans and ran out the door. shawn laughed and trailed behind. "come on slow poke." he ran up and picked me up. by this time were in the woods. he sat me down and held my hand as we walked. I pointed at every little thing and he just smiled. all of the sudden it began pouring rain. we ran until we found a dip in the rocks. "Rain!" I scream and shawn laughed. Our relationship is like a movie. We were barely covered from the rain but enough. We laughed and told jokes and a bunch if other what to do when it's raining crap.

It was like we were small kids yet were teenagers. "have you ever seen the notebook?" I asked shawn and he laughed "only a million time!" we both start laughing. "I love their relationship they loved each other after all odds." I say as I stare into the rain. "I love our relationship." shawn says putting his hand in mine. "You know I've always wanted to kiss you in the rain?" he says and I smile "then why do you do it?" I stood up and walked into the rain he smiled. "are you gonna kiss me or not?" I tease and he got up and picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. "why are so damn hot?" I laugh and then his lips meet mine. Dang we kiss a lot. o well it's better than not kissing him. I took a minuet for the passion to reach full on cause we were standing and it was raining. I slightly pulled on his hair witch I kinda regretted after cause I changed our normal teenage kiss in to a make out with full on. "damn Ry we should do this more often." escapes his lips and I began to chuckle. "what so funny?" our mouths were never more than a millimeter apart. "You've never called me Ry before." I smile and laugh. "is it ok if I call you that?" he smiles and I smile right back. "of coarse I mumble before forcing our lips back together. "why the hell do we have to be outside?" shawn mumbled while we kissed. "Why does it matter where were at?" I laugh and he gives me that look. "it matters cause your mine and no one else's." I smile god now I wish we were inside. Why am I thinking this? At least he wishes it to. I pulled the kiss away and put my forehead against his. "We should watch the notebook!" I say and we both laugh. he carried me back to our apartment even up the stairs. "we might want to change out of these wet clothes." we

Both laugh. "don't drop me!" I say as he opens the door. "I will never drop you." he said and yet again my heart is jumping out of my chest. He sat me down on the couch. "I need to take a shower then I'll be back." he said and I smiled.

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