Before christmas

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Riley's pov

Christmas is in a few days! right now I have to do tons of shopping. What should I get shawn? I don't even know. I just bought some clothes for my friends and like a necklace.

My cast now looks black from everyone who has signed it. I decided to just get a few neff shirts and other shirts from Zumiez for the boys (carter,cam,nash,matt, ect) I got shawn some neff beanies just so I can were them such a bad girl friend and I got him the new acoustic guitar. I used the money I had saved up to buy my mom a present and spent it in shawn.

I still have my job at Pink. So I help shawn pay the bills and still have left over money. I still can't believe I'm only 17, I love in a different country, my boyfriends famous. it's just all to real.

I hate these crutches their getting in the way of everything! I call shawn so he can come pick me up.

Moments later I'm walking outside to Shawn's car and struggling in put all my cramp that I bought in the trunk.

"So what did you buy?" I know he wants me to slip on what I got him but that's not happening.

"Um..just the boys done stuff and my friends?" I say hoping that would be good enough answer.

"Ok, we have to put up a tree when we get back." he says and my face just lit up.

"Why are you so happy?" I'm too over joyed about this.

"Well..ive never had a Christmas tree." I say. my mom could never afford one.

His mouth literally dropped open.

"What you've never decorated a tree." I shake my head.

"Looks like your gonna have to help me then." He says with a smirk.

We returned home. Shawn got my bags and carried them in. The tree box was already out with a tub of ornaments.

"Have you always decorated by yourself?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Usually the guys come over." he said and I frown.

"Did you invite them?" I asked and he put his head down to the ground.

"No." he said.

"Why not?" I asked

"This year I just want us to do it their coming over tomorrow to do presents though, since Christmas is in 3 days." I smiled and gesture to the tree box.

Once the tree was put to together I opened the box of ornaments. by the time all the ornaments were put on I could barley see the tree it's self.

Shawn handed me a star.

"I can't reach." I'm slightly bummed.

"Here." shawn said picking me up off the floor and holding me so I could put the star on top.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" he said gesturing to my leg.

"No, not at all." I smile. I'm just so excited.

"Will you help me wrap the boys stuff?" He nods and I get the bags.

"You forgot one." he said and I shook my head.

"That's for you, but not till Christmas." I sit down next to shawn and he cuts out paper.

I hold up an obey shirt and ask who I should give it too. this goes on cause I got each of them like 5 shirts and hats.

"God you bought them a ton of stuff." he said and I laugh. I slide them under the tree.

"I'm ready to go to sleep." shawn said and I nod.

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