(Request) Delitoonz: Dancing Jealousy

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Hey guys this story was requested by TrashQueen23 . So this is an Alpha/Omega story, and just so everyone knows this is my first time writing a fanfic like this. Due to that, I'm sorry if some information is wrong or its not good all together. But I've read some of these fanfics, so I should be good hopefully.

This is NOT smut.

This is a Jealous!Alpha x Omega story.

Alpha!CaRtOoNz x Omega!Delirious

Prompt found using: http://bleep0bleep.tumblr.com/prompts          "At our high school dance, I see some other guy/alpha try to dance with you, but I step in."    

(Sorry I kinda had to come up with the wording and sorry if this isn't good....I'm going the easy route and choosing to go with the fact that alphas tend to get jealous when other people try to hit on or take away their omegas....^^' Anyways enjoy)

Writer: Britt

Third person POV:

  Dances weren't really Luke's thing. The alpha always thought of them as unnecessary school events. He thought the music was always lame. The decorations were usually complete shit. Not to mention the annoying people who actually wanted to attend. Dancing around, drinking alcohol that was snuck in. It all didn't make sense to him, so that's why he never went to one.

But this time he decided to go. Only to this one though.


Because of a certain omega that he's had his eye on for a little bit. His name was Jonathon. He and Luke has been friends for a while, but only recently he has realize that he actually has feelings for Jon. Just being around the small omega made him excited. Luke loved to talk and make him smile, so when the dance found it's way into one of their conversations he couldn't say no.

Jon looked so happy with his response. Smiling one of his brightest smiles, the omega pulled the tall alpha into a hug. Luke only sighed returning the hug, wrapping his arms around Jon's waist as he took in the omega's scent.

So there Luke was. Standing in front of his mirror. He fixed his light blue jean jacket, rolling up the sleeves to his elbows.

(Luke's outfit 👇) 

He took in a breathe as he reached over and grabbed his phone from the desk beside him. A text shown on the screen from a certain someone.

Jon:                                                                                                                                              Hey, is your ass ready yet? lol

Luke chuckled thinking of a response then quickly texts back.

Luke:                                                                                                                                             I'll be ready when I wanna be ready, bitch! lol

He smirked sliding his phone into the back pocket of his black jeans. He looked back at the mirror and fixed his hair a bit until his pocket vibrates. He took out his phone and reads the text:

Jon:                                                                                                                                               I'm not the bitch, u bitch! U better be ready soon cause ur my ride asshole lol

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