OhmToonz: Chalk

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Hey guys! It's Britt! I know. I know. In the last author's note, I said I was going to get back to writing. I think a few people were expecting me to write a one-shot right away, but I have a serious problem with getting distracted. However, I got this shit done!

Now, if you read the last A/N, you would know that I put a poll up on Amino asking people which ship I should write about and OhmToonz won! So, here's a cute little one-shot for you guys!

The cool breeze of spring blew through the quiet neighborhood. Not a child in sight except for a small brown haired boy sitting on the sidewalk next to a set of colorful sidewalk chalk. The boy took a look into the small box beside him. He smiled reaching his small hand in to grab whatever color he wished. He pulled out a small, depleted piece of green chalk. A small giggle passed his lips looking at the nearly nonexistent piece. Turning back towards the concrete pathway, he began to create small drawings here and there. It didn't matter to him what he was drawing: stars, hearts, stick people, or the occasional cat or dog. He enjoyed his small creations.

As he continued to make his miniature sketches, a shadow appeared walking towards him and covered the drawings. The little boy looked up from his work to see what or who was causing the darkness. Another boy, who looked to be around the same age as he was, stood beside him with a grin spread across his face. He didn't look familiar. Maybe he was new here.

The unfamiliar boy scanned the crowd of adorable drawings that littered the sidewalk then looked back at the shy boy sitting next to them. He flashed him a grin and crouched down beside him.

"I really like your drawings!

" He told the smaller boy.

The brunette smiled shyly and gave a small thank you.

"My name is Luke. What's yours?"

Luke's grin faded into a pout as he studied the boy looking away from him and playing with the piece of chalk in his hands. He didn't seem like the talkative type, but eventually, he spoke in a quiet voice.


He looked up at Luke with a smile and pink cheeks. Luke's eyes widened slightly and smiled widely at how cute his response was. He couldn't help but reach over and grab at the smaller boy's vibrant cheeks.

"So cute!"

Luke laughed happily while Ryan tried to pull away from him obviously embarrassed. His small cheeks turned a dark shade of red as he finally got away from Luke's clutches. Ryan covered his cheeks with his hands and frowned.


Luke nodded officially taking a seat next to him. He reached over and grabbed the box of chalk that was left abandoned beside the blushing boy. Ryan watched him curiously. He watched as his hand disappeared into the small box only to come out with a bright red piece of chalk.

Setting the box down, Luke looked over at Ryan.

"Red is my favorite color." He smiled.

The small brunette nodded feeling his cheeks get warm again as he picked up his piece of chalk. Both boys continued drawing and talking, every once in a while, until Ryan's mother came out to tell him to come back inside.

Ryan yelled an okay and turned to Luke.

"I have to go..."

Luke nodded and helped pick up the chalk. Ryan picked up the box and smiled letting him place them inside. They both stood up and looked at each other.

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