Minicat: Are You Nasty? *SMUT*

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Hey guys! It's Britt! So, as you can probably tell, Minicat won the poll! So, here's the Minicat smut I promised!


( Yes...this involves the fabulous 'Are You Nasty?' booty shorts... you're welcome...)

Now, before we get to it, I just wanna say that this is a bit different than what I usually write. I mean, usually, when I write, I try to make it seem like these are the actual people. Like, I put little references and that kind of stuff.

However, I didn't do that for this one-shot. So, yeah, I hope you all enjoy! Let me know what you guys think of it!

Now let's get to it!

Today was the day. Today, Craig was finally coming back home.

You see, Craig went back to the UK to visit some family for a little while. He'd only been away from Tyler for about two weeks, however, it didn't take long for Tyler to start feeling lonely.

He was used to waking up next to the sleeping man. Being able to stare down at that cute, sleeping face and pet that oh so soft hair, Tyler missed having the smaller man near him.

He was so used to having Craig around. He missed seeing that smiling face every day. Those cute, freckled cheeks turning a slight pink as he would smile every time he would catch Tyler staring in the mornings.

He missed seeing Mini walking around the house wearing only one of his baggy t-shirts. He loved how they would hang off of the small man's shoulder a bit. He couldn't help but stare as Craig would walk around knowing damn well what that did to him. Sometimes, Craig would even cook them breakfast while just wearing something like that. Then, Tyler would just continue to stare at him and eventually he'd make a move as soon as he felt it was right, and that would be when they either return to the bedroom or do it then and there. He really did miss that...

That's why Tyler was so excited to see Craig again.

He missed having him around, not only to do naughty stuff with, but he just missed having someone there with him to have fun with.

So, there he was.

Tyler stood against his car looking through his phone as he waited. He stood and patiently waited outside the airport for the smaller man. He'd been waiting for about 20 minutes now and decided to occupy himself by looking through YouTube and Twitter. As he continued to read a couple of tweets, he heard it. That familiar voice that he hadn't heard in so long.

"Tyler!" The freckled man smiled brightly as he ran to his boyfriend.

Tyler raised his head, a grin forming on his face, as he immediately put away his phone and stretched his arms out for the smaller man to run into. Which he gladly accepted.

Mini ran into Tyler's arms and wrapped his own around the taller man's neck while Tyler settled his hands on Craig's hips. The two stood there smiling at each other for a minute not wanting to separate.

"I missed you so much..." Tyler said softly leaning down to place a gentle kiss on the younger's forehead.

Craig giggled quietly. "I know...I missed you too..." He bit his lip as he laid his head against his chest. The younger sighed in relief as he heard the soft heartbeat that he was so used to hearing. Mini trailed his hands down the taller man's arms as he lifted his head to look up at him.

They stood like that for another minute until Mini broke the silence.

"Hey...let's go home...I'm still a little tired from the flight."

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