Ohmlirious: The Boss's Son

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Hey guys! It's Britt! So I got a couple of requests to do an Ohmlirious one-shot, so here you guys go. ^-^

So, in this story, Ohm works as an assistant at an advertising company and his boss has to go to an important meeting, but she needs someone to watch her son, Jon.

(By the way, Jon is like 18 or 19....he can't be trusted by himself... and Ohm is in his 20s)

ALSO WARNING!! THERE MAY BE SOME EXPLICIT LANGUAGE!! (meaning: there may be dirty talking and very bad language...just saying.)

And also, this is my first time writing stuff with people talking dirty or stuff like this xD, so I'm sorry if it seems rushed or if it is bad.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy.

Writer: Britt

Ohm's P.O.V

Today has been pretty normal. The same old stuff going on with everyone being busy at work. Everyone was hunched over their computers as they worked on their latest projects. Some even doodled designs on spare pieces of papers sitting near them. Everyone was always so busy here. That included me of course. I was an assistant for Ms. Del, the CEO of the company. (I can't think of a name for the company xD) I help her out with some paperwork and do her errands for her when she's busy. Today, she has a meeting with some people from a company overseas, so I've been busier than usual.

I had just taken the last stack of paperwork to a few of the designers down the hall. I walked back to the dark oak doors of my boss's office. I really wanted to just sit down and take a break for a bit....but that wasn't going to happen apparently.

As I approached the door, I could hear two voices coming from inside. One being my boss's and the other being unknown to me. I raised an eyebrow as I knocked twice on the door signaling it was me. The voices inside stopped then I heard her soft voice call out, "Come in, Ryan." I did as told and pushed open the dark wood door walking inside then closed it behind me.

"Perfect timing Ryan! I have one more thing for you to do for me."

I looked at her and sighed slightly as a smile formed on my face. "Always happy to help ma'am. What is it?"

Her smile, that was once on her face, disappeared as she glanced over my shoulder. I turned to look as she stood from her chair. There was a guy sitting on the small white couch that sat near the door. He looked to be in his late teens maybe early 20s. He had light, messy brown hair cut short that ended in slight waves. His eyes were a light ocean blue and full of mischief. A small patch of freckles sprinkled across his nose and his pale cheeks. They weren't very visible, but I could tell they were there. He seemed to be short and wore a black T-shirt underneath a light blue jacket with a pair of tight black skinny jeans. He stared at me with a smirk placed on his small lips not even glancing away when my boss walked over to him.

Ms. Del placed a hand on the guy's shoulder and smiled.

"Ryan, this is my son Jonathan."

Jonathan frowned slightly glancing at her then rolled his eyes. I raised an eyebrow at him but smile.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Ryan."

His cheeks turned a pale pink as his smirk returned. He looked me up and down as he bit his lower lip.

"Yeah...it is.."

I could barely hear him say that. It seemed like he was saying that to himself.

"Anyways, Ryan, I need you to do me a big favor...I have to go to my meeting, but I need someone to watch Jon for me.....can you do that? It would really help."

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