Minicat: Keep Out!

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Hey guys it's Britt! I know it's been forever since we've updated, but school has been awful -.-. We're trying to get back to writing, so here is a pretty short one-shot.

Also, I am still working on the requests that I've had. I need to get back to them, but I wanted to upload this to show that we are still updating. ^-^

Anyways, let's get to the story already!

Writer: Britt

(By the way, in this story they are both in middle school)

No one's POV

Craig wasn't the most popular kid at his school. He always was a very quiet person and tended to be alone for the most part. Although it may seem like it, he really didn't like to be alone all the time. People just didn't want to hang out with "that weird, geeky kid" as most people put it. As a result, he mostly spent his weekends in his treehouse where he could read his comic books and play his video games. (Video games as in games for DS and stuff)

The treehouse sat in his front yard. The tree wasn't very tall, but it was tall enough to need a ladder to get into the small wooden walls. A few signs laced the outside of the oak boards. One reading 'No Girls Allowed!' and another reading 'Keep Out!'. Just normal things a middle school boy would have.

A small rectangular hole was cut into the wall facing the street. Craig sat underneath it as he silently read his comic books. He smiled widely scanning over the drawings of his newest comic that his mother had finally bought him. He had begged her for weeks to get it for him, and so after doing all the chores in the house plus mowing the lawn she finally did. As he lifted his hand to turn the page, something flew threw the small window above him and hit a pile of books across from him. He jumped, surprised as he heard the sound of the impact and lifted his head in the direction. He fixed his glasses and looked around as he set down his precious comic book. He crossed the small room and began to scan the mess looking for the object that caused it.

Finally, after moving a few books out of the way, he discovered.....a football? He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side as he lifted the ball from the pile. "What the heck?" He whispered to himself curiously.


Craig squeaked as he turned towards the window. Then he raised an eyebrow. He's heard that voice from somewhere, but he couldn't quite remember.

"Helloooo! Anyone up there?"

Craig frowned slightly trying to remember. He moved closer to the opening glancing out onto his yard and street.

"Hey! Dude, down here!"

Craig leaned forward a bit and looked down. His eyes widened a little as a small blush crossed his pale cheeks. There stood one of his classmates named Tyler. Tyler was a pretty popular guy in his school. He had many friends and was always seen either playing sports or video games. He was very good at both.

They had never really talked to each other. Except maybe for a few hey's or excuse me's as they tried to get through the halls of the school, but other than that nothing.

However, somehow Craig had started to form a small crush on the boy. He admired how Tyler was so talkative and got along with mostly everyone. He admired how many friends he had and how they joke around with each other. Craig would always giggle a bit in his head every time he overheard their jokes and outbursts. He liked that Tyler wasn't afraid to say such dirty things even during class.

Craig shook away his thoughts as he heard the familiar rattle of his ladder lightly hit the tree. He quickly looked around the outside seeing no sign of Tyler anywhere. His eyes widened realizing why he must've heard his ladder. He quickly jumped over to the small wooden trapdoor on the floor and sat on it keeping it closed. Soon he felt a force trying to lift the door and himself.

"What the hell? Hey dude, let me in!"

Craig stayed put. He was not about to let his crush into his treehouse. His only get away he had to be alone and not get picked on.

"No! Can't you read?! The sign says 'Keep Out!'"

"Of course I can read! I'm not stupid I just want my ball!" Tyler yelled as he continued to push against the wooden door.

Craig glanced down at the ball in his hands and sighed crawling off of the pounding floor door. He sat in front of the pile of knocked over comic books and crossed his arms as the door flung open revealing the brown haired boy. Tyler looked around until he found the frowning boy.

Tyler chuckled slightly pulling himself into the small treehouse. Craig raised an eyebrow keeping his arms crossed.

"'re the one who threw it in here and knocked over all of these?" He gestured to the pile behind him.

Tyler glanced over to the mess and smiled nervously. "Sorry...I got too caught up in throwing it and before I knew it it flew across the street and through your window....."

Craig raised his eyebrows again and sighed looking down at the ball in his lap. "Oh really?....well since you threw can clean it up....then you can have your ball...Deal?" Craig looked up at the taller boy as he moved towards him. Craig's face started to feel warm as he adjusted his glasses.

Tyler smirked slightly as he nodded. "Deal." He ruffled Craig's hair then began to clean and stack the books. Craig smiled as he looked down hiding his obvious blush.

Hey guys! So I hope you guys enjoyed...I thought that this would be cute. Maybe I'll do a part 2 to this involving them in high school or something. Just tell me what you guys think. Anyways Vote, Comment, and Follow for more! Love you guys!


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