H20Vanoss: Bet

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So, before we get to the story, I just wanna say that this was a fanfic that I wrote a while back. I did make some( more like a lot) of changes to it to make it a bit better.

Also, this may be a short one.

But...I think you guys will like it.



So, anyway, let's get to the story!

"Come on Jon, A bet's a bet~," Tyler said as he laughed obnoxiously. Jonathon crossed his arms over his chest as he pouted. You see, Tyler and Jon had made a bet that Tyler wouldn't be able to survive longer in Fortnite than Jon. Well, let's just say Jon lost that bet terribly as he placed #10 while Tyler placed #1. So, as a result, now Jon had to do something that Ty told him to do. He was okay with it though. Most likely, Tyler would probably just have him do something stupid like prank-call someone or post an embarrassing tweet. However, he wasn't expecting Tyler to pick something so embarrassing! Yes, Tyler always tried to pick something that would make them a little uncomfortable or that was funny but not really as embarrassing as this.So when Ty told him to go up to his crush and say ' I'm very wet right now..', it made him blink a few times before a pink tint came to his cheeks. "I know but that's way too embarrassing!" Jon yelled as the familiar pink returned to his cheeks. "Oh whatever you've done worse," Ty commented as he took a sip of his soda. Jon rolled his eyes turning away from the brown-haired man. There was no way he could be something like that. After a little while of silence, a knock came from the entranceway of Tyler's home then the sound of the front door opening. Both the men looked up towards the archway to see a familiar Asian walk in.

Evan smiled as he greeted them both. "Hey guys, what's up?" He asked as he took a seat next to Jon. Jon immediantly felt his face get a bit warm. Tyler only chuckled slightly as he smirked at Jon then looked over to Evan. "Nothing much. You?" Evan raised an eyebrow noticing Tyler's action. "I got bored just sitting around and wanted to see what you guys were up to...I tried calling before I came, but neither of you answered your damn phones." Ty smirked again glancing over to Jon. "Oh sorry, we got caught up in playing some Fortnite...we had a little bet going on." He looked down at his now empty cup and smirked slightly. "I'll be back...I'll going to get another drink." He winked at Jon as he got up from his seat and went to the kitchen. Jon glared at him. How fucking dare he do this shit?! "Hey, you okay?" Jon quickly turned towards Evan. "W-what?" Jon mentally punched himself. Evan laughed quietly as he said, "You haven't said anything since I came in, what's wrong?" Jon glanced away from him as he thought of what to say. "U-Um..uh...nothing.." Jon chuckled nervously. Evan raised an eyebrow again. "Jon? Something is up..what is it?" Evan crossed his arms as frowned down at him.

Jon didn't say anything...that was until he felt his lap get extremely cold. He looked down to see that someone had poured ice cold soda all over him. He began to shiver as he felt tears begin to gather in his eyes as he looked up to see Tyler laughing his ass off while holding an empty cup. Jon quickly jumped up from his seat and ran upstairs.

Evan got up angrily and walked over to Tyler. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why'd you do that?!" Tyler stopped his laughter and smirked. "A bet's a bet..." Evan groaned as he rolled his eyes and walked up the wooden stairs to find Jon.

Evan walked down the hallway shaking his head. What was up with that? Why were they acting so fucking weird? He sighed looking for any sign of Jon. He glanced over each doorway until he saw light coming from under a door. He walked over and knocked lightly on the door before opening the door slowly. 

"Hey Jon, you okay?" Jon lifts his head up a bit revealing his crimson cheeks. His eyes were half-lidded as he looked up at Evan as he walked in. Evan was taken aback by his expression. "J-Jon?" Jon gulped a bit as he slowly stood up. "E-Evan.." Jon walked over to him as he looked Evan in the eye. Evan backed away from him until his back hit the still open door closing it and stood against it. Jon walked closer and closer before leaning against him and moved closer to his ear. "Evan...I'm very wet right now..." Evan felt his cheeks get a bit warm as he chuckled nervously. "Ha Ha...what?" Jon glanced down towards his crotch area. The area was not just completely soaked but a bulge had appeared.

Jon looked back up at Evan with half-lidded eyes. "Can you help me?" He whispered as he whined slightly. Evan didn't know what to say or to do. Just looking at him made Evan want to attack him and fuck him senseless. But he had to control himself. They weren't alone. Tyler was just downstairs and would most likely hear them.

"E-Evan..~" Jon whined tugging at Evan's t-shirt to get his attention. Evan gulped looking down at the impatient man. Jon looked like he was a cat in heat. His face was red as he panted softly still tugging at his black t-shirt. His whole body was shaking. Drool ran out of the side of his mouth as he continued to pant Evan's name.

Evan gulped before slowly wrapping his arms around Jon's slender waist. Jon whined at the movement as he wiggled his hips. "Evan..please~" Jon leaned upwards wrapping his own arms around Evan's neck. Evan stared at him as he licked his lips slowly leaning forward. "Fuck it.." Evan thought as he smashed his lips against Jon's. Jon moaned into the kiss as he fingers found their way into Evan's dark hair tugging at the strands slightly. Meanwhile, Evan moved his hands down to give Jon's ass a squeeze. Jon gasped allowing Evan the chance to deepen the kiss.


Tyler sighed rubbing his head. Evan had been upstairs for less than a minute with Jon and very suggestive noises could already be heard. Tyler knew that something like this would happen, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly. He jumped up from his seat on the couch as a loud moan erupted from upstairs. He shook his head looking around for his coat. He couldn't just sit here and listen to them without getting some action for himself as well. He smirked as he pulled on his coat and headed out to go visit Mini.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed! More one-shots are coming soon! If you want more one-shots like this, make sure to Vote and Comment to let us know! Also, make sure to follow us for more! Anyway, love you guys!

                         ~Britt <3

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