Ohmtoonz: Little Thoughts

857 14 2

Writer: Britt

(This short part could be through Cartoonz's thoughts or Ohm's....which ever you prefer ^-^....it kinda sucks though,so sorry I was just trying to get a new part out to you guys..)

Journal Entry #1   Jan. 16

There's this guy that I like.

I want to tell him how I feel.

But I don't know what he'll say or think.

I don't want to ruin this close friendship that we share.

Therefore, I just don't know what to do.

We've known each other for so long, but does he even like me in that way?

I mean....we joke about it all the time in our videos.


Even our subscribers have noticed and want us to be together.


I might ask him.

But how?


Journal Entry #2   Jan. 18

I'm gonna tell him today!

I promised myself that last night.

I'm not gonna wimp out like I always fucking do.

After our recording with Delirious and Gorilla, I'm gonna tell him.

Right after they leave!

I'm actually gonna do it!


Journal Entry #3  Jan. 19

I didn't tell him...

He left before I could say anything...

What the hell is wrong with me?!

Why can't I just fucking man up already and tell him?!

How much of a fucking coward am I?!

.....I fucking hate myself...

Holy shit, he texted me...


Journal Entry #4  Jan. 21

It's too late.

He's gone.

He found someone that's not a coward.

He found someone that can just say it.


Someone better than me.

I don't know what to do now.

I'm heartbroken....


Journal Entry #5  Jan. 30

Or not.

He caught that bitch cheating last night.

Who would be stupid enough to do that shit?

Who would cheat on the best man they could possibly have?

I definitely wouldn't.

I'd do anything for that man.

Why won't he realize that already?

Oh....I have a text from him...


Journal Entry #6  Jan. 30

Day after day....

I've waited day after day for my chance....

My chance to finally tell him how I feel...


That chance finally came....

I finally told him!

I feel relieved....

But....he hasn't responded...

I'm worried!

I'm scared!

What will he say?!



He....texted back....

The texts:

Him- Yeah...I'm fine man :)

Me- I'm glad dude! But hey....I need to tell you something...it's kinda important...

Him- Oh okay...what is it?

Me- Okay...listen I know this is a little weird...I mean we've been friends for a long time and I really like playing games with you and the others and  everything. It's been a lot of fun....but I feel like I have the most fun when it's with you. I don't know.... it's just being around you and talking to you makes me really happy. I  guess it's because I actually like you....a lot. Not just as a friend.....but as something more.....I just needed to get that off my chest....I'm sorry....I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I don't want things to be awkward between us....

Him- Wait

Him- Really?

Him- I didn't know you felt that way....you should've told me that earlier.... because I would've told you that....I felt the same way....and still do.....hey...how about we hang out tomorrow at my place?.... we'll talk more ;)

Me- Really? Okay :)....I'll see you tomorrow

I can't believe it!

I never thought he would like me back!

I'm so fucking happy!

I actually feel so relieved...like a weight was lifted off my chest....

I can't wait to see him tomorrow....

I should probably go to bed...


Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed! I know this part was a bit weird....I was trying something new. Anyways, I wanted to get something out to you guys, so I hope you enjoyed it. I'm working on more stuff so don't worry ❤. Anyways Vote, Comment, and Follow for more!


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