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Mostly you, Jungkook, and Yoongi's pov sorry if I didn't mention your bias.

Min Y/N~ Was a good girl but changed because of abusive parents, underground fighter (All types of fighting and self-defense) Is cold and is also badass. Min Yoongi's younger sister but hate attention, Cuts and has scars all over her body along with faking like everything is ok but can't accept reality and the fact that her best friend died in a car accident his name was Wu Leo. Tough and strong but fragile, Hates her brother because of his bullying even though she did nothing to him, At school acts like a nerd and is top of the school and like Jeon Jungkook and is younger than him by 1 month. More in the story. 

Right now I'm living alone and I'm broken inside but act like everything is okay even my stupid brother is dumb enough not to notice anything about me. *Sigh* I put on my mask and my uniform along with my fake glasses and sneakers, TBH I'm a total tomboy and hate girly ass things. I felt my forehead 'Damn it I have a fever' but I can handle it and make it look like I'm healthy, Anyways I was walking to school and see the BTS gang then Yoongi yelled "I can't believe she is my younger sister, no wonder why mom and dad threw her out HAHA." My chest hurts because of his words but ignore it and see Jungkook with the queenka 'They look cute together, no one would want to date me anyways' I shook my thought and entered the school not caring about anything until I hear someone say "What a slut" "EWW NERD ALERT HAHA" I ignore it since it wasn't hurtful and sat in the back of the class with my headphones in and ignore the class period. This has been going on since grade school so today I'm at my limit. "MISS Y/N PAY ATTENTION!" the teacher yell at me I just looked at her with cold eyes then said coldly "What if I don't you going to put me in detention? Go ahead but I won't be there I'm busy." then BTS came I just grabbed my stuff and I got a text message I pulled out my phone still standing and read the message 'Y/N we need to Train I know your amazing at it but it's just to make you stronger.' I replied 'Okay I'll be there in 5' then grabbed my stuff and left the class purposely bumping into Jin's shoulder then said sarcastically "Oops" then left school and went to the underground HQ. "What Hyung" "Okay the actual reason is that there will be a shooter in your school in about 2 hours during lunch time so I need you to keep an alarm of a guy in a black hoodie so keep your pocket knifes on you and be prepared." "Ne Hyung" After that I went back to school and opened the door to my class to see BTS smirking at me "Detention" "I rolled my eyes and break my glasses hearing whispers "What happened to the nerd?" I turn my head hearing that ten went near him I put my finger under his chin making eye contact with him "This is the real me pabo" then after that I ignore all my classes and wait 10 minutes before lunch. -DING- the lunch bell I ran to lunch room to see the guy in the black hoodie sitting in the corner I waited for everyone to come then yelled "Everybody get down and leave!!" I threw my back and grabbed my knifes then ran like a ninja to the shooter, the shooter saw me and grabbed his gun out and tried shooting me but I kicked the bullet back to him making it hit his arm and yell in pain. Before he could even shoot me I kicked the gun and grabbed and hide it on my body than I grabbed both of his hands and put them behind his back and the knife near his neck and walked him to the exit. "Nice try buddy but I'm not an idiot" I said coldly as I was walking with the knife near his neck I see everyone scared and BTS look at me surprised "Keep staring and you'll be in the hospital btw I just save all of your lives" they looked away but not BTS I see Yoongi and Jungkook look at me but I just ignored them and walked outside to see the cops I handed the shooter to them and gave them the gun, I put my knives away and walked back to the lunch room like nothing happened.

Jungkook's pov ~ It's finally lunch time the bell rang and Y/N quickly ran out of the room, she's probably running away from us pathetic. I smirked and we all went to the lunch room to see Y/N death glare at someone I followed her glare to see a man in a black hoodie. Suspicious. We then hear Y/N yell "Everybody get down and leave!!" We all listened to her but we stayed close to the exit to see what's happening. Then Y/N threw her bag and ran really fast to the guy with POCKET KNIVES!!?? wtf the guy grabbed a gun and tried to shoot Y/N and TBH I was scared for her, the students are scared and some are even crying. Y/N did a flip and kicked the bullet making it hit the guys arm and him yell in pain, He tried shooting again but failed because she kicked the gun out of his hand and hid it on her body then grabbed both his arms and put the knife near his neck then they walk to the exit. We all started at her I hear the queenka say "Tch she's just showing off" Y/N snapped her head to her and said coldly "Are you fucking kidding me right now" "What your just a stupid nerd seeking for attention" Theres legit flames in Y/N's eyes but I notice there's some violet and blue colors in her eyes and notice that she's wearing brown contacts. wtf "you really want to die don't you, I just saved your fucking life from this shooter" "I didn't ask you to save me did I bitch" "O ok so you don't mind if I let go of this guy and hand him back the gun making him point the gun at your head" the queenka then looked scared and was shaking "That's what I thought now go back in there or else I will let him go." she said not looking at us then left the school with him still with the knife near his neck. 

Yoongi's pov ~ "Oppa~ that bitch just threaten me" I looked at her then said "YOu kind of deserve it because she did basically save all of us from that guy" the queenka Minjee started shaking from anger "Oppa! But I didn't ask her to!!" "Do you want to die?" "No" "Then see, from now on stay away from us we never liked you" She started crying than ran out of the lunch room, Y/N then came back like nothing happened but I notice her forehead sweating how though it's cold here Jimin then started a rumor "Y/N that was your ex boyfriend right? because he didn't give you enough pleasure HAHA" Y/N just looked at him tiredly then grabbed her stuff and walked to math class which we have right now. The bell rang we walked to math class to see Y/N's head down I then make fun of her while I was near her "Did you earn money but fucking 20 guys? wait of course you did even you fucked the principle HAHA" we all laughed but then Y/N stood up and instantly grabbed me by my collar and slammed me on the wall "Talk shit keep doing it and see what happens, I don't care if you are my brother but you don't exactly know me and my life so STFU for once will you." her voice was cold and her grip went tighter after every word I was actually scared Y/N then saw me scared and released me but I notice her forehead sweating a lot and I see her cheeks a little pink through her mask, it's cold in here why is she sweating, She then grabbed her stuff calling someone "Hyung pick me up" Hyung? she then left without saying anything. We excused ourselves and followed her even though it's almost the end of the school day we all got into Jin's car and followed the Car Y/N was in and it lead to a mansion. We see Y/N get out of the car then the car drove away Y/N weakly walked to the door and weakly touched her forehead "Fuck" she cursed we snuck in after she went in the mansion. We hid in the kitchen and see Y/N in the living room I see her looking at a picture I looked at the picture and see it was me and Y/N happy when we were kids, even though I don't know why my parents threw her out I started to hate her for no reason to even the rest of BTS but it was my parents order. She grabbed the picture that was in the frame and said "Why, why can't I act like everything is okay. Leo where are you when I need you I should have been in that car with you so I can die with you, this world is cruel to me even my brother and the guy I like hates me. What did I do wrong Leo?." She started crying then the door bell rang she opened the door and said coldly "What do you want mom and dad" "DON'T CALL US YOUR PARENTS WE DISOWNED YOU." then we heard a slap but did I hear this right? I look at the members to see them guilty I look back to see Y/N get beaten up my mom and dad "We never loved you, you stupid bitch!!" "THEN WEAR A FUCKING CONDOM NEXT TIME!!" she then stared punching the two and threw them out of the mansion. She then started breaking things like glass, plates, cups, bowls, she looked at the picture of me and her then threw it across the room hearing more glass shatter. My heart started aching I feel bad, Y/N then grabbed a piece of glass and put it near her wrist but stopped then threw the glass away and started crying. We snuck back outside then went home it was quiet on the way home to. We slept hoping Y/N will be at school so we can apologize to her.

Sorry if this sucked plus I'm sorry if I don't put your bias in it's because I'm a fan Yoongi and Jungkook more. again sorry

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