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A/N: Your cold and speak cold all the time, wear a mask all the time, you have no friends, you are an amazing fighter and can do all sorts of them, your basically a ninja and the rest is in the story.

Y/N's pov ~ Hey name is Cha Y/N and I'm 16, I am currently getting ready for my school which is Monster High. I know what your thinking 'What kind/type is she?' well I'm not a monster I just and part of the Vampire world because I have precious blood. I have to find my mate and older brother, his name is Cha Eunwoo and he's full Vampire but is mature. To find my mate I need a Vampire and to know I found him the mark on my wrist will change to a white color and the mark changes color related to my mood and to find a mate. I get abused by my adopted parents, yeah I'm adopted because my parents knew I wasn't a vampire and though I was human. Anyways I got out of the house wearing my new uniform.

I make music, can sing, rap, dance, choreograph, compose all that music stuff along with playing instruments

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I make music, can sing, rap, dance, choreograph, compose all that music stuff along with playing instruments. I pack my bag with my laptop, empty CD's, marker, and school stuff. I grab my phone and plug my headphones in them then put on my black converse highs then left without making/eating breakfast with my adopted parents which means I'm have a beating when I get home. I looked at my knuckled and wrist which is bandaged because my adopted parents and I was punching the punching bag to hard so it started bleeding. I went to the office and fixed my mask and saw the principle I looked at him with cold emotionless eyes and can tell he is a Vampire along with the lady in front at the desk I heard him say "Here's your schedule and your own music room because you have special talent so I have everything prepared in the room already so don't worry on buy things." I nodded then left and put my headphones in my ears then put my phone in my pocket along with my hands then walked to class ignoring everyone, I see a group of girls looking at me in disgust and see that all of them are Wolves that have too much make up on. I have the power to read peoples minds and send/block communication and can teleport I can basically do anything yeah that includes magic but I don't use them unless it's really important. I heard the girl say "Eww what is she doing here she's ugly, luckly the oppas will like me more." I stopped and looked at her with cold emotionless eyes and I see her shiver, I don't talk so I wore a mask and I send her a message from my mind and sent her 'Let's see how that goes with all that cake in you face, and if you and your clown friends think they will like you think again.' then walked away turning up the volume on my headphones and hear her yell "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!!" I smirked under my masked then entered the classroom. I see the teacher and did a little nod and see this is the teacher is a wolf, I just looked around to find a seat and saw one in the black by the window and just as I was about to go sit a group of boys rush in the classroom and the one with the black hair bowed and said "Sorry we were late." "That's alright just go to your seats." He looked familiar but I just can't name it, I ignored the thought and see them all walk to there seats in the back. I was about to walk to my seat then the teacher stopped me "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" I sighed I went to the white board and with my fast ability I wrote all my information on the board and when I was done I looked at the teacher with a 'Happy?' type of look. He stuttered and said "A-Ah Y-Y/n you may got to you seat and you don't have any assignments through out the whole school year." I just went to my seat and put my headphones in then just looked out the window not caring about anything. We were half way through class until the girls came in and looked at me in anger "What is she doing sitting by my oppas!!" she yelled and I looked to my right and see 6 duded *Roll eyes* I have one light green and one light blue eyes because I'm special. The girl came over to me with her clown friends and raised her hand I sent her a message and the mark on my wrist shined a bright red meaning I'm pissed and everyone can see it 'Do it I dare you, see what happens' and I sent everyone else 'Stay where you are or get hurt' She was about to slap my and I used my  telekinesis to make her slap herself. "OWW WTH!" I still have my headphones in with volume up and I walked calmly to the back of the class which had plenty of room to fight this hoe. All eyes were on us, I sent her 'Fight me and see what happens' she smirked and tried to punch me but I used my really fast reflexes and held her wrist then kicked her stomach which made her fly and her back hit the wall, she groaned in pain and I just looked at her with cold eyes and my wrist shined a dark red that everyone can see, I made everyone able to hear the convo in my mind but I wasn't talking my thoughts were. 'Now you made me really pissed so you want to send your clown friends to fight for you?' her friends charged at me and all I did was took one step and they were all on the floor. 'Are you satisfied now? so don't come near me.' I used my telekinesis to moved all of them out of the class and closed the door. I went back to my seat and sent the teacher a message 'You may continue' he nodded and started the lesson then I just looked at the window until I felt a tap on my shoulder which made me instantly grab his wrist and sent him a message without looking at him 'Don't touch me' I heard the bell ring and I grabbed my stuff then went to my next class which was dance.

Eunwoo's pov ~ Me and my members which are all Vampires were curious about the new student and her name is Cha Y/N........CHA Y/N??!! no that can't be we had free time and I walked over to Y/N and tapped her shoulder then she instantly grabbed my wrist without looking at me. I heard something in my mind 'Don't touch me.' then bell rang and she let go and grabbed her stuff then left. We all followed her my members knew about my sister because I've told them about her but don't know what she looks like. We all went to dance class and see her sitting in the corner looking at her phone scrolling then the teacher called her "Y-Y/N would you like to show us a dance?" Y/N shook her head and grabbed her stuff and was about to walk out until I sent her a message 'I found you Y/N' She paused for a little but then kept walking. It's her my little sister I told my members and there eyes widen and Moonbin said "There's no way that that's you little sister." I shrugged and danced until it was lunch time, we only have 3 classes which is Vocals, dance, and gyms along with lunch. We went to the Cafeteria to find Y/N sitting at a table alone looking out the window with her headphones in, there was food in front of her but she didn't eat after 5 minutes of watching her. We sat down at a table near her so we can see whats going to happen next, she looked at her wrist and the color was now a black color meaning she feels blank how do I know? because I have the same thing it was given by my mom and Y/N was given by dad. I see her sigh then I saw the group of girls behind her with a bucket of water I see the the girl holding the bucket is a witch and was about to pour water on her but suddenly the bucket disappeared and was now water was all over the witch and the witch shrunk because of the water contact. Y/N looked back with cold eyes and her wrist was now shining bright red meaning she's pissed, I see the other 2 girls are witches to and see Y/N holding her food then throwing it at the 1 of the girls so she was covered in red rice and red frosting and Y/N grabbed her drink and poured it over the other girl and she was now covered in red liquid and I realized it was blood. they all screamed and stormed out the cafeteria. Y/N then looked at her watch and grabbed her stuff then left we then heard the bell and went to gym class.

Y/N's pov ~ I went to Gym class and sat in a corner scrolling threw my phone then the gym teacher came in, I knew him because her used to be my babysitter. he looked at me and smiled while I just did a little nod then went back to my phone then he said "Y/N why don't you fight these guys for me since you quit I want to see how much process you did. I walked over to him and smacked his head, she rubbed his head and chuckled then said "GO!" a group of men in black circled around me and charged at me and it only took me 1 step to make them all on the floor groan in pain. I went back to my corner and drank some blood since I need it instead of water, A group of boys came to me I was about to kick one of them until I heard a guy that looks like a baby said "Ah! no were not here to hurt you." I stopped my tracks and went back into my crouching position then I notice my wrist shining white then back to black. I looked at it confused then grabbed my stuff then left school and went to work. I work at the Monster Cafe where normal people or Monsters come in but the normal people don't know about us real monsters so we just act like it's a cosplay and serve them. We will know if the customers are monsters is there eyes shine as they walk in then turn back to normal, I walked to the back and put my stuff in my locker and was greeted my workers EXO which are Wolves and my childhood friend Wu Leo who isn't a monster but has powers. I went to the cash register and helped with the pay and ordering then it was time to switch places with Chanyeol and now I'm a waitress. I went to serve these guys that ordered something related to blood and went to there table, I still had my mask on so as I went to there table I saw that it was the same 6 boys as last time then the baby face guy said "Oh! it's noona, what are you doing here?" I look at all of them with emotionless eyes and sent them all a message 'Don't act like you know me, and it's obvious I work here.' With that I walked away and kept serving and cleaning. After that I packed up and went home then felt like someone was following me.....I turned around and someone covered my mouth and I blacked out.

Hey guys sorry it's been a while but I hope this will make up for it.

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