Chapter 39

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Thanks for the tons of votes I think it was like 10 or 11 sooo YAY!!! Since I got suc great feedback I'll be adding two new chapters instead of just one!!!

Chris' POV

Everyone was at the hospital now and we were all waiting in the depressing waiting with depressing little flowers sitting on the depressing little table next to some depressing little magazines. I couldn't feel anything right. Not sadness, not anger not anything. I felt empty like a piece of me was missing. Well a piece was missing the love of my life. These people wouldn't let me see her and that's all I needed was to see her. I swear I'll kill whoever was in that car that made this happen to my angel. For all I know she's dying in there. They told me she wasn't yet stable so it would be risky to let me in and see her. I looked around the room and my gaze was met by solemn faces. Katy had her face buried in Bam's shoulder while he was shaking with tears. Ape was practically holding Phil up, but I don't see how she could when she was in a bad as shape as he was at the time. Dunn and Novak looked like death and I can understand why. She was like their little sister, their best friend. Actually everyone from CKY looked like they could die right now. Everyone from Jackass was quiet with tears streaming down their once happy faces. We all were there for each other because we all loved her so much. I was taken away from my thoughts when a tall doctor walked into the room. This was like déjà vu. It reminded me of the time she and Novak did that stunt and she got knocked out, but this time she may not wake up. "Hello everyone I'm Dr. Durl I'm guessing you're Ms. Margera's family." he said looking us over. We all nodded together because we all were a family. I large an crazy family, but happy. "Well I have some good and bad news, so I'll start with the good we've been able to stabilize her and she's in and out if consciousness, but it's totally possible that she'll slip back into the state she was in earlier so we have to keep a watchful eye on her. And now for the bad. Some of her internal organ were damaged including the things that make it possible for her to have children. We can only hope that they'll heal, but it's very unlikely. Also she has some major external injuries. A large gash is on her side and she lost a lot of blood, but not enough for her to die also before we bring you inside I don't want you to be alarmed. Her face has some major bruising and there is very large cut on her forehead. The swelling has gone down, but she's still a bit puffy, now if I can ask who will be coming back at this time" he said. I burst into tears. She was my baby and she was so hurt. I hate to see her even sad, but now I have to see her look so weak and vulnerable. Like she's broken, but it can be fixed. I stood up along with Bam, Ape and Phil. "You all can go later" Phil said to everyone else. They nodded understandingly and we walked on. It felt like the hallway went on forever. Then we stopped and a brown door labeled 128. This was her room, my baby's in their. I put on a brave face and we walked in. Nurses surrounded her bed and she laid there motionless. Her face was different shades of blacks and blues and purples. A long red cut stuck out that had been stitched. Her arms were scraped up and down and it looked like a cat had attacked her neck. Parts of her hair was matted down with some blood, but a nurse was sponging it away. "I can take it from here"Ape said walking over to the nurse and taking the sponge. The nurse nodded and walked out nodding for the rest to follow. We were left alone and I sat down on the chair next to her bed. I looked at my angel and kissed her hand softly.

You're such a Jackass (Chris Pontius love storyWhere stories live. Discover now