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Chapter One:
pretty little lips

Dark shadows circle me overlapping each other, never leaving my sight. They all shout things at me, yet at the same time whisper into my ear. Dark, evil little thoughts.

My death. I can see the blood. I can see the pain. You want it. No. You need it. No! You crave it. Stop. Stop!! Stop it!!

I open my eyes and wake up, still screaming at the top of my lungs. It takes me a moment to collect myself, my breathing jagged and heavy. I throw the sheets off of me and move my pale legs over and hang them off the side of the bed. I look over at the alarm clock and groan when I see the bright red lights read 4:37 am.

When I gather up my thoughts and calm myself, I stand up and head to the kitchen part of my apartment. I moved into this new apartment complex today, and what a wonderful way to spend the first night. I grab a glass and fill it up with tap water.

I stumble over to the balcony doors and unlock the multiple locks, then push them open. I take a deep chug of the water, then let out a groan followed by a deep sigh.

"So, are you going to scream like that every night?" I jump in fear and drop my glass. I mutter a "shit" when it shatters on the balcony. I look up in the direction of the voice and see a man dressed in dark clothing smoking a cigarette on a balcony a little ways down from mine, clearly belonging to the apartment right next to mine.

"Sorry if my inability to sleep is of inconvenience to you." I sass back to the man whose face I can't see all too well, because of the lack of light in the sky. You'd think they'd have more lights around the apartment complex. The mystery man lets out a deep chuckle.

"Someone's cranky." I rolled my eyes in response, then realized he probably couldn't tell. I scoffed and walks to the edge of my balcony closest to his. The balconies weren't right beside each other, so there was still a good bit of distance between us.

"Considering the fact that I've gotten 2 hours of sleep and have to get up in a little less than 4 hours, I think it's fucking reasonable." He takes a drag and chuckles again.

"Such a filthy mouth. Watch that language, doll." I mutter a string of curses and throw my hands up in the air.

"Why am I still out here putting up with you bullsh-, sorry, your nonsense?" I sarcastically correct myself and begin to turn around when his voice sounds off again.

"Watch out for th-" Too late. I step right onto the broken glass with my bare feet, and let out a yelp. "Oh fuck that's gonna hurt."  I jerk my foot up and place a hand on the wall to balance me.

"Oh! So you can curse, but I can't?!" I honestly don't know why that's what comes out of my mouth in the situation I'm in.

"Simple. I'm a big bad wolf. You, on the other hand, are a innocent little red riding hood." The smell of smoke from his cigarette is more prominent now, and I groan as I try to pick glass out of my foot.

"You don't," I wince, "even know me." I get a grip on a big piece, but the pain shooting through my leg causing me to stumble. "God! Shit! Why am I still out here, you're so annoying!" I hop on my non damaged foot and go into my apartment, cursing the mystery man as I do.

I make it to the bathroom and search for a first aid kit, or anything to help my situation. After wasting time looking through empty cabinet, I groan and lean back against the wall not knowing what to do. I'm interrupted by a loud knock on my door.

"What the hell?" I hop over to the door and stupidly open the door before even checking to see who it is. I'm greeted by the strong smell of smoke and a faded smell of cologne.

"Did you even check peephole?" I groan at the newly familiar deep voice. I finally am able to see the face of whom the voice belongs to, and am momentarily startled. He has messy blonde hair, and captivating blue eyes. As if that wasn't enough, he seemed to be working on a beard. There wasn't much, but it was the perfect amount to make me swoon. And to top it all off, a sexy lip ring right there on his soft looking lips.

"Better yet, are you done checking me out?" I stumble back a little and shake my head embarrassed.

"I w-wasn't, I didn't- why are you here?" I stutter to get a thought out, and mentally curse at myself for the foolishness. The man lifts up what appears to be a first aid kit.

"Figured you'd need some help." I sighed and hopped a little out of the way, opening the door wider for him to enter. Here I am inviting a stranger into my apartment, I am the definition of stupid.

"How'd did you know I was going to need help?" I question, shutting the door and following him to the bathroom. He knew the way because of the apartments having the same set up.

"You're a clumsy, faux-rebellious, wannabe adult teen. It was obvious." When we got to the bathroom he patted the cabinet motioning for me to sit on it.

"I'm not clumsy, you scared me! " I try to not seem offended, but it's hard when I definitely do feel offended.

"I scared you and you dropped the glass. I didn't scare you into stepping in the glass. I tried to warn you even."

"Well.. faux-rebellious? What exactly is that supposed to mean??" He chuckles, opening the first aid kit and digging through, pulling out things and setting them on the cabinet beside me.

"You curse and try to put on a bad girl act. Sassy and bold. But in reality.." He trails off and motions towards my visible bedroom. I cringe at the pink sheets and stuffed animals on my bed.

"O-okay.. but what makes you think I'm a teenager?!" I question him continuously, and he starts to open various packages not seeming annoyed by my quiz. He stops for a second and smirks, looking me up and down.

"That's obvious, babydoll." I start to open my mouth to question him again, but I'm cut off. "This is gonna hurt a little bit. Squeeze my arm if you need to." He picks up my hand and places it on his upper arm. I blush when I notice his muscles, which were quite large.

I squeeze my eyes shut and feel a sharp stinging in my foot. I gasp and squeeze his arm tightly. The stinging intensifies and I throw my head back letting out a cry of pain. I hear him groan, not loud but loud enough for me to hear. I don't think much of it though, because of the pain in my foot. The sensation stays for a few moments, then lessens immensely. The feelings of pain is still there, but it's gone down quite a large amount.

"All the glass is out now." I open my eyes and look at the man. He clears his throat and looks away for a moment. My breathing is heavy, and I try to calm it. I remove my hand from his arm and wince when I see the deep marks my short nails made.

"I'm so sorry!" I squeak and cover my mouth, embarrassed.

"Don't apologize." He bites his bottom lip looking down at the marks. He stares at them for a moment, then goes back to my foot. He picks up a cloth and wets it.

"So.. how old are you?" I ask as he cleans off the blood with the wet cloth, trying to make conversation to lessen the awkward feeling in the air.

"26." I nod looking around the bathroom, waiting for him to ask me my age.

"I'm 18." He chuckles and throws the cloth into the sink and nods his head in response.

"I'm living on my own for the first time, ever. Really nervous. I'm supposed to be starting school soon, but I really don't know how I feel about that." I say whatever comes to my mind, desperate to make a conversation out of the silence. He looks up at me and shakes his head amused.

"You sure enjoy moving those pretty little lips of yours, don't you babydoll?"

word count: 1428

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