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chapter nine:
little brat

I stay quiet during the ride back to the apartments. I fear what would happen if I made Luke even angrier. I don't want him to hurt me again, but at the same time I feel like I might.

"What are you thinking about?" I look over at Luke, and mentally convince myself to be as rude as possible.

"Nothing." I huff and look back out the window. I take a quick look at him and notice his tight grip on the steering wheel.

"River.." His voice is deep and scratchy. I look over at him and roll my eyes.

"What the fuck do you want." I've taken it too far. Luke's face is red, and his jaw is locked. He doesn't reply, so I look back out the window. I feel a bit disappointed that I didn't get a big reaction out of him.

We pull into the apartment parking lot, and I quickly get out. I slam the car door and say nothing to Luke as I go to the staircase and walk up. I don't look behind me when I reach the top, and I walk over to my apartment door. I open it and push it open, about to walk inside. Before I get in, a hand grabs the doorknob, and slams my door shut.

"What are you d-doing." Luke's eyes are dark, filling me with fear. He roughly grabs my wrists and pulls me to his apartment door. He quickly opens his door and pulls me inside. I grab at his hand holding my wrist, trying to push it off. He slams his door behind us and drags me into his bedroom. He slams he bedroom door as well, then roughly throws me onto his bed.

"Why are you being such a fucking little brat?" I look away, pushing myself back as he climbs onto his bed. He grabs my ankle as i'm crawling away, then pulls me back. He gets on top of me, pinning my arms down.

"Why are you being a fucking brat?!" He repeats himself with a darker voice. I whimper and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Answer me, River. You won't like the consequences if you don't answer my question." I don't know how to respond, I don't know my reasoning.

"I don't know!" I squeak and try to jerk my hands away from him. Luke groans and leans down to my ear. He whispers lowly while gently biting on my ear.

"You obviously didn't learn your lesson tonight.. I guess I'm going to have to teach you again." My eyes widen and I frantically thrash around, desperately trying to get out of his grip.

"P-please.." My body shakes in fear, and Luke sighs into my ear. He gently bite the skin below my ear, causing me to shiver. He trails down my neck with nibbles and licks, and sometimes kisses. My body involuntarily shuts down and my eyes shut, a wave of relaxation washing over me. I'm pulled out of my trance by a harsh chuckle. I open my eyes and look up at the man above me. He is staring down at me laughing. I blush, confused and embarrassed.

"You think you're so sly, baby. I knew what you were doing the second you got out of that car." I widen my eyes, looking away from him. He pushes himself off of me, and pulls me along with him. We stand up at the edge of the bed, his arm wrapped around my waist, and his other hand holding my cheek. I look down, too ashamed to look at him.

"Look at me, baby girl." I stay still, not daring to look up.

"River.. Look up at me, now." He lets out a growl, and his hand moves down to my throat, wrapping around it and squeezing.

"Little flower, I suggest you look up at me before you make me do something you definitely won't want me to do." I slowly lift my head and look up at him, looking into his eyes. He has a smirk placed on his face, that makes me want to crawl into a hole.

"Good girl.." My heart flutters as he mumbles and brushes his thumb over my bottom lip. "I can see what you're doing, River, even though you can't see it yourself." I stay quiet, staring into his eyes as he removes his hand from my throats and runs it through my hair.

I open my mouth to say something, but the hand on my waist jerks up and covers my mouth. Luke shakes his head down at me, still running his over hand through my hair.

"You're staying with me tonight, flower." Corinna is coming over to my apartment tomorrow morning, so I want to tell him no, but I know that he won't accept no as an answer. I just lower my eyes and nod my head as much as I can with his hands on it.

"Good girl..." This time a soft whimper comes from me as he says this. I squeeze my eyes, embarrassed at the noise I made. Luke chuckles above me which makes me even more embarrassed.

"You like it when I praise you, don't you baby girl?" He uncovers my mouth and lifts my chin up, forcing me to look at him.

"If you obey me more, then I'll treat you like a princess. But if you act like you did today, I'll have to punish you." Part of me wants to be as good as possible, but another part wants for him to punish me. I just nod in response. Luke smirks and lets go of me completely.

He pulls his shirt off and slides his jeans down his legs. I turn my head away, but peak as he walks over to a dresser and grabs a pair of joggers and slide them on.

"Here." He tosses his shirt to me. I look down at it and smile.

"What about shorts?" Luke smirks and shakes his head, coming close to me.

"You won't need shorts, I'll keep you warm." He grabs the hem of my shirt and lifts it over my head. I try to cover my stomach and chest, but he pulls my arms away.

"Luke.." I feel scared and uncomfortable. He notices the look on my face and pulls away.

"I'll turn around." He does as he said as I mumble a thank you. I turn around as well and take off my bra. Then I slide off my shorts and quickly throw on Luke's shirt. I look down at the rolling stones design and smile. The smell of smoke fills my nose, causing me to scrunch up my face. I jump slightly when two arms wrap around my body, and pull me close to a hard chest.

"Baby, you look so good in my shirt." I smile softly while Luke removes his arms and starts to mess with my hair. I furrow my brows in response.

"What are you doing." He doesn't reply, but I can't feel him making a pony tail with my hair. I see him stretch a hand out beside my head and I slowly realize what he wants. I take the hair tie off my wrist and give it to him. He ties the pony tail up high and wraps his arms around my again. This time he places his lips on my neck, kissing softly. I hum and close my eyes.

He turns me around, causing me to open my eyes, and looks down at me, making my face heat up. He leans down, his lips getting close to mine. My heart begins to race, and I feel my legs shake slightly. My eyes flutter shut again and I wait for what I'm wanting. I suck in a sharp breath when I feel soft lips touch my own.

Luke moves his lips slightly, but the kiss is nothing intense. It's simple and soft. He holds onto me tightly, making me feel safe. After a few moments he pulls away and looks down at me.

"Lets go to sleep, baby."

word count: 1300
sorry it has taken a long time to update. i've been stressed and upset about losing possessive and have forgotten about this book. i'll try to update more often. (: ily

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