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chapter ten:

"We have had this planned for about two weeks now, Puke, and I will not be cancelling." I stir in my sleep slightly, waking up to a familiar voice of a girl.

"Look, Cara, I-"

"Corinna." She cuts him off in a harsh tone, anger evident in her voice. I hear Luke sigh and begin again.

"Corinna," He corrects himself in a sarcastic way. "Look, she had a rough day yesterday, and I really think she needs to sleep in." I open my eyes and quietly get out of the bed. I slip on my jeans and walk up behind Luke.

"Excuse me, dickhead, this is really important and-" Now it's my turn to interrupt.

"And I don't break my promises." Luke turns to look at me, with a frown on his face. Corinna stands at the doorway with a triumphant look proudly plastered across her face.

"That's my girl." She flips Luke off behind his back. Luke takes a step closer to me and grabs my waist.

"You need to stay here." He furrows his eyebrows, pulling me closer to him. I smile at him and stand up on my toes, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll be back. I've just gotta go on a girls day and night out, okay?" I raise my eyebrows waiting for his response. He lets out a heavy sigh, and reluctantly nods his head. He leans down and kisses my cheek, then whispers in my ear.

"Be back by 11." I scoff, not taking him seriously. I move from his grip and walk around him.

"I gotta grab some stuff at my apartment, okay?" Corinna nods and waves at Luke in a bitchy "i'm better than you" way. I quickly run inside and grab some extra cash, and change into new clothes. I then join Corinna and walk down the stairs to her parked car.

"He's an ass." We both get into her car, and I quickly buckle up.

"He just wanted to look out for me, Corinna." She scoffs and pulls out of the parking spot and out of the apartment complex.

"He seems so overly protective of a girl he just met." I smile at her, amused at her extremely noticeable jealousy.

"You were encouraging this last time you came over." She rolls her eyes at me, causing me to laugh obnoxiously. "And guess what."

"What?" She lazily replies, uninterested.

"He kissed me." My body flies forward as she slams on the break and sharply turns into a parking lot of some random store.

"WHAT?" She yells at the top of her lungs and parks in the nearest parking space. I giggle and feel my face heat up.

"You had your first kiss? When?! Why didn't you call me and tell me? How was it? Was it amazing? Is he good?" I slap a hand over her mouth and raise my eyebrows.

"Let me speak, bitch!" She nods and I remove my hand while laughing.

"It happened last night right before we got in bed. I didn't call because that's so awkward!!" I act as though I'm speaking to Luke. "Hey, yeah, sorry. Let me just call my best friend and fangirl over the fact that I had my first kiss." She pushes my shoulder with an annoyed look.

"Okay! Carry on!!" I roll my eyes and motion to the road.

"We have an appointment. Please drive while I tell you about it so we aren't late!" She nods and pulls out of the parking lot and back onto the road.

"Okay.. It was pretty fucking amazing." Corinna squeals beside me and I find myself squealing with her. 

"He's just so sweet and caring and gentle. Except.. He's kind of.. Scary.." Corinna quickly glances at me with a concerned look.

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