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chapter six:

"Goodbye Roman!" I smile as Luke shuts the car door and carries Roman over to his mother. She smiles at me, and waves. I do the same even though I have never met the lady. She looks as though she is asking who I am, and I don't mind.

Luke hugs her and walks back to the car. He gets in and hums softly as he gets the car started and drives out of the driveway. On the way home I kept replaying the moment when Luke had me pinned up to the wall. I think about the desperate need I had for him to kiss me.

"What are you think about, River" Your lips. I open my mouth to say nothing, but Luke starts to chuckle.

"My lips?" I widen my eyes and panic.

"I s-said that out loud?" He nods and laughs harder. I reach for the door handle and try to open it.

"Why won't this open? Why can't I jump out?!" I yell and Luke and mentally cry as I hear him dying from laughter. I pull my knees up to my chest and bury my head in them.

"Stop laughing at me!" I yell at Luke, who is still chuckling beside me. We finally pull into the apartment parking lot, and I get out as soon as he parks. I run up the stairs and hear Luke yelling at me.

Before I could get to my door, I feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me roughly to a hard chest. I struggle to get away, but Luke holds onto my tighter.

"You're coming to my apartment. I gotta keep an eye on you." He says this in a teasing, yet concerned tone. I sigh and stop struggling. He lets go of me and grabs my hand, pulling me to his apartment. When we get inside, Petunia runs to him and he drops down to play with her.

He walks further inside and points to the couch where I go sit down.

"You hungry?" I think about it for a moment, then nod.

"Do you have any strawberries?" Luke chuckles and nods his head. He opens his fridge and pulls out a container of strawberries. He washes some off and puts them in a bowl.

"Of course you would want strawberries." He mumble, walking over to the couch. He sets the bowl on the wooden coffee table and grabs a strawberry. I reach forward and grab one too.

"Roman was cute." I take a bite from the strawberry and Luke does the same.

"He's a mess." He says while chewing. I giggle and finish my strawberry, setting the stem in the bowl. Luke holds his for a minute, talking about Roman.

"His parents are... interesting.. My brother and his wife don't get along too well.." I scrunch up my nose, and look sets the stem down, pushing the bowl forward a little, making it almost out of my reach.

"I'm sorry." Luke shrugs and mumbles a short "it's fine". I sigh and poke him. He raises his eyebrows and looks at me.

"Yes?" I point to the strawberries and he chuckles. He grabs a strawberry and I reach to grab it from him but he stops me.

"No. Open." I laugh at him, not taking him seriously.

"Luke! Just give it!" He shakes his head, holding onto the strawberry. I groan and roll my eyes at him, making him glare at me. I barely catch it when he says, "We'll have to fix that..." under his breath.

I open my mouth hesitantly, and Luke smiles, moving the strawberry to my mouth. I stare into his eyes as I take the strawberry in between my teeth, and take a bite. Luke bites his lip, and I blush at how awkward I feel. When I take my bite, Luke chuckles then eats the rest of the strawberry. He throws the stem to the bowl and leans back, still chuckling at me. I blush more, wishing I could hide my face. Luke leans forward, his lips inches from my ear.

"You're almost as red as the strawberry, little girl." I bite my lip, and my eyes flutter close. I feel a small bite on my neck below my ear, making me lose my breath. It took me by surprise, a gasp leaving my mouth. After the small bite, I feel his lips touch sucking on the area just bitten.

As he moves his lips down, attacking my neck, I involuntarily whimper. Luke is obviously pleased by this, and smiles against my neck. He moves a hand up and places it on the other side of my neck, under my hair. I whimper again as I feel him bite down on my neck hard, causing me slight pain.

He continues to bite, getting harder and harder as he moves up and down my neck. He bites down painfully close to my jaw, and my hand snaps up grabbing his wrist.

"L-Luke.. You're hurting me.." Luke groans and removes his hand from my neck, moving it to cover my mouth. Luke bites down again, and instead of struggling to get away, I stay still under his hold. He sucks on the bite wound, and I let out a moan, to which Luke responds with a groan. He bites down once more, the hardest he has, and I make a sound that seems to be a mix of a cry and a moan. He keeps his for a minute, then jerks himself back. He removes his hand and looks at my neck then at my face. He swallows hard and bites his tongue while it pokes his cheek. He leans back and clears his throat.

"Uhm.. Y-You can g-go back to your apartment.. If you'd like." I look at him awkwardly, not knowing what to do. I eventually nod and stand up, about to head to the door. As I begin my walk, I feel a hand wrap around my wrist, and pull my back down. I'm pulled into a lying position, with Luke behind me. I smile to myself as Luke drapes his arms over my, pulling me to him tightly, making me feel safe. He turns on his television, and switches it to Friends. We lie on the couch together, cuddling, and I eventually find myself falling asleep. As I drift into sleep I hear Luke humming along to the theme as he runs his fingers through my hair.

word count: 1089
i know it's been too long i apologize

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