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chapter eight:
my girl

I stare up at Luke with fear in my eyes. He has me backed up against the bed, his face a couple inches from mine. I can smell the mix of alcohol and cigarette smoke coming from him. He quickly grabs my hips and pushes me roughly down onto the bed. I feel my body start to shake as he crawls on top of me. I feel his hot breath on my neck as his hands mess with my shorts buttons.

He unbuttons and pulls my shorts down, exposing my lacy grey panties. He groans and licks his lips, my instinct to run finally kicking in. I kick my legs, trying to move myself away from him. He grips onto my hips tightly, keeping me in please. my legs still thrash around, but he finds a way to stop them, and spread them slightly.

I hold my breath, worried for his next moves. A shock runs through me, and I grip the bed sheets when I feel a sharp pain in my thigh. I squeeze my eyes as the pain increases. My back arches as the pain moves to a new spot on my thigh. I look down to Luke and see him biting down on my skin. I try to push myself away again, but he growls and sinks his teeth further into me.

"Luke!" I scream at him, but he doesn't let me go. He soon pulls his head away and gives the bite mark a quick lick. I shudder, confused at what was happening. I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing I was back at my apartment.

"Babydoll..." I whine and move my body slightly. His grip on my hips stays the same as he leans down, lips inches away from mine. "Look at me..." I slowly open my eyes and stare up into his. My breath is shaky as I stare into his dark eyes. His harsh stare causing me to crumble underneath him, submitting and losing all will to fight.

"You deserve this, babydoll. I will not let you act like that, especially not in front of my friends, my business partners. Do you realize how that makes me look? I can't control my girl. It makes me look weak. I am not weak. I'll show you that." He pulls me off the bed and sits on the edge of it, me standing in front of him. He quickly pushes me down, bending me over his lap. I whimper in embarrassment as I feel my bottom sticking up into the air across his lap.

"Count, babydoll." Count? Is he doing to- smack!

"Holy fucking shit!" The string of curses runs out of my mouth without even registering in my mind. A hand finds its way around my throat, and my head is being yanked backwards by my hair. I look up at Luke who holds an angered expression.

"You do not use that language, flower." I strain to get words out in a response. He lets go of my hair, but keeps the hand around my throat.

"Let's begin again.." He mumbles in a raspy tone. His hand comes down on my ass with a loud slapping down. I bite down on my bottom lip to contain any curse words.

"One." I squeak out, the burning causing me to think unclearly. His hand comes down again, the stinging intensifying.

"T-Two." Again. "Three." Again. "Four."

As he spanks me a fifth time I feel the stinging fade to a weird sensation. I close my eyes and take in the pain. I mumble out a five, and find myself excited for another. However, he stops.

I'm jerked off of his lap, my sore butt causing me to stumble and crash against him as he stands me up.

"Steady now.." He holds me up, looking down at me, his eyes still dark.

"You know why I had to do that, right?" I nod my head and look away, but Luke wants more.

"River." His tone is harsh and strict, causing me to quickly look him in the eyes and mutter a "yes."

"Please respect me, and my friends. If you do this, we won't have to go through this again. Does that sound good?" I nod again, but quickly correct myself.

"Yes.. Sounds good." He smiles and leans down, placing a light kiss on my forehead. He helps me pull my shorts back on. He gently grabs my wrist and leads me to the door. He opens it and pulls me out with him. I hang my head down in shame as we reenter the room full of his friends. Some are looking up in concern, while others have knowing looks.

"Back so soon?" One man in the back sassed off, and Luke flipped him off. I try not to laugh at this, but it's difficult. Luke sits down on the couch again, and pulls me down onto his lap. I wince and shift uncomfortably as my bottom aches. He watches me shift, trying to get into a better spot, seeming to be amused. His friends watch, many baring smirks on their faces.

However, at the moment I don't pay attention to their stares and smirks. I don't pay attention to Luke's arm around my waist. I don't really even pay attention to the stinging in my butt. I just think back to our interaction in the room, and wish desperately for him to hurt me again.

word count: 904
long overdue, I apologize.

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