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chapter two:
bruises don't lie

"You sure enjoy moving those pretty little lips of yours, don't you babydoll?"

I ignore the wording of his comment, and scoff in response.

"I'm trying to make conversation. It doesn't help that you're so closed off when it comes to a friendly exchange of wor- oh fucking hell!" I shoot out my arms, one grabbing my foot and the other grabbing the mans arm, while he pressed some sort of chemical against my foot.

"Am I gonna have to wash out that mouth of yours? Goddamn." I roll my eyes and spit out the first thing that comes to mind, which I end up regretting in the end.

"Ooh yes please!" I lean my head back and open my mouth wide, sticking my tongue out. I suddenly feel and pinch on my tongue and taste a salty and bitter thing touching my taste buds. I look at the man in shock when I see his free hand holding my thumb in between his folded pointer finger and thumb. I shriek and try to pull my tongue pack into my mouth, but he keeps a good hold on it. When he finally gives in I pull my tongue back in, along with an unexpected guest. I widen my eyes in shock when I realize I've got his thumb resting in my mouth.

He leaves it there, smirking, and I'm too afraid to do anything at all. He finally pulls it out and it makes a pop sound. He chuckles and asks me something, which I'm too embarrassed to comprehend. My face heats up and my heart was no doubt racing.

"Huh?" I nearly shouted at him, then cringed at my volume.

"I said, you okay with that?" I tried to remember what he was asking me about, but I drew a blank.

"Okay with what?" He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm done cleaning your foot, I'm gonna wrap it now, if you're okay with that." I just nod in response and watch as he takes a wrap from the first aid kit and wraps it around my foot.

"Don't be walking around too much, okay? And definitely don't walk directly on it. The gashes aren't deep enough to need stitches, but they could worsen." He helps me off the counter and walks me out and over to my bed. He lays me down and pulls my covers over me, dragging some of my stray stuffed animals closer to me.

"Try to sleep, just scream if you need me." He chuckles at his own joke, which I don't find very funny, and turns to walk to the door. Before he leaves he finally asks me a question, trying to get to know me a little more I suppose.

"What's your name?" I smile and cuddle up with one of my stuffed animals.

"River." I blushed and pushed myself a little bit further under my blankets. "What's your name?" He smirked at me a bit his lip tugging at the lip ring.

"Goodnight River, sweet dreams babydoll."

I let a stranger into my apartment. I didn't even know his name, I still don't know his name! I was so stupid and childish. But, then again, he did help me. He didn't rape me or murder me. I quickly pat around my body. Yup I'm still here.

I spend most of the afternoon laying in bed taking turns with yelling at myself mentally and watching YouTube videos. Around 3 pm I decide I should get dressed and go pick up some food. Of course, since this is the only human interaction I'm making for the day I have to dress up and do my make up.

Once I slip on a skirt and sweater I lose interest in looking cute. I huff and pull up my knee high socks then slap on some mascara and highlight. Typically I go for the more edgy look, but today I really wasn't feeling it.

I grab my purse and hobble out the door. I curse as I make my way down the stairs very slowly, putting little pressure on my injured foot.

When I got to my car, I climb in and roll the windows down. I get my music hooked up and start to blare my Spotify playlist. I sing along as I drive out of the apartment complex, and down the road to a Taco Bell. Once I get there and inside I order my usual, three cheese roll ups, a Mountain Dew baha blast freeze and Cinnabon delights.

It doesn't take very long for me to get my order, and then I make my way back to my car and start down the road again. I groan in frustration when I return and my parking spot is taken by a motorcycle. I refrain from cursing at the inanimate object, and just grumble all the way up the stairs with the bag of Taco Bell in my hand. When I reach the top of the stairs and walk over to my apartment door, I hear a voice stringed with amusement.

"Well hello there sunshine." I roll my eyes and look over to see the man from last night leaving his apartment.

"Hi, stranger." I say monotone, and start to unlock my door.

"Gonna wish me good luck?" I turn and begin to question why he would need good luck, but then I realize that I'm trying to distance myself from this strange man who made his way into my apartment last night.

"Nope." I pop the p and get my door unlocked pushing it about.

"Well, River, that's quite rude. On another note, do you remember me calling you clumsy? And you were appalled at my accusation?" I turned back around to him. He smirks while tugging on that damn lip ring with his teeth, and his eyes take up and down my body. My skin is exposed unlike last night when I wore long pajamas.

"Well, babydoll, the bruises don't lie." I'm speechless as he chuckles and walks away and down the stairs. It feels as if a million things are going on, but the only thing I can think of while looking down at my blotchy bruises on my arms and legs is, if only he knew.

word count: 1040

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