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Chapter Three:
thin walls

"You mean to tell me, that you have a sexy mysterious neighbor, and you haven't jumped his bones yet?" I nearly spit out my coke at the words coming from my friends mouth.

I look over at the blonde girl sitting on my bed next to me. I reach over and slap her arm.

"Corinna! I met him yesterday!" She throws her arms up in defense.

"Yeah! You met him yesterday and he stuck his thumb in your mouth. It's the perfect chance for a little fun." She wiggles her eyebrows and her body at the word fun.

"You're disgusting!" I lay down and stare up at the ceiling. "I'm not having 'fun' with a stranger!" She scoffs at me.

"You're only saying that because you've never even kissed a guy!" I sit up and gasp at her. "Once you know what that's like, ooh! You'll wanna keep going and go even further and eventually you'll be a professional!" I throw all of my pillows at her.

"You sicko!! I have no interest in doing those things with boys!" She blocks the pillows and makes an 'aha!' sound.

"Exactly, he's a maaaan!" Her voice goes deep and she smirks. I squeak and push her off my bed. She fakes a look of hurt.

"Don't harm me just because of your refusal to admit your need to feel his hands roaming your body." She raises her eyebrows and speaks in an attempted sexy tone.

"Of course I love the thought of his hands on my body and around my neck!" I realize what I said and stutter trying to play it off. "I-Isn't it time for you to leave?" She laughs uncontrollably. When she gets up and walks over to the door, she turned around and smirked again.

"Next time I come over, I expect to hear that you've a least kissed him." I throw a pillow at her again and yell at her to leave. She blows me a kiss and runs over to the door and leaves.

Corinna and I have been friends for a few years now. High school was only bearable thanks to her. Even though we were complete opposites, we were always there for each other.

Corinna is feisty and bold. She has guys falling all over her, and she controls their every move. She knows all about sex and all things kinky, and is quite experienced. She is fun and loud and isn't afraid to express herself.

I, on the other hand, am shy and quiet. I put on a show, making it seem like I'm bold and 'experienced', when in reality I'm an insecure and sensitive teddy bear who doesn't know how to function on my own. I've needed Corinna there for me in order to make it, and sometimes I feel like I still can't do things.

There's things in my life that have wounded me, physically and mentally. Corinna knows some, but there's still things I've hidden from her. The desires. The fears and the pain. The reason for the bruises, the reason for the sleepless nights.

I groan in frustration and get off of my bed. I stumble over to the balcony doors and open them. It's not yet dark outside, but it's getting close. I lean against the balcony and look out at the view. A smell of cigarette smoke fills my lungs and I laugh quietly to myself. I look to my left, and sure enough the mysterious blonde stood there looking at me.

"Hello mystery man." The blonde chuckled and nodded his head.

"Hello innocent flower." I scoff and watch as the man smirks at my response. "Don't argue with me, little girl." He snaps at me when he sees my mouth open, about to argue. I roll my eyes and he mutters something under his breath. I ignore the inaudible words and place a hand on my hip. Thinking he was simply putting on a humorous adult act, because of the age difference, I fake pouted and batted my eyelashes.

"Oh, I am so sorry sir!" I say this is a high pitch and notice him shift awkwardly. He stays silent and I cough uncomfortably.

"Um.." I bite my lip and look around, mentally cursing myself for causing the awkward situation.

"So Corinna seems nice." I snap my eyes towards him and tilt my head in confusion.

"How do you know about Corinna?" He finds this quite funny, and takes his time before answering my question.

"So I guess they didn't tell you." He puts his cigarette into the ashtray on his balcony and puts his hand on the doorknob.

"Tell me what??" I lean forward against the rails and wish I could reach across the distance and grab his neck.

"Thin walls, innocent flower." With that he opened the door and went inside his apartment. I think over what he said, muttering to myself as I let it sink in. He heard everything. Everything. "Shit!"

I enter my room in anger, looking around for a certain object. My eyes meet the wooden bat sticking out from under my bed and I grab it quickly.

"I'm so stupid!" I mutter to myself, moving into the living area of the apartment, so that it would be less likely for him to hear. I breath deeply as I sit down on the ground, legs out in front of me.

I take the bat firmly in my right hand, there's a reason most of the bruises are on my legs and left arm. Of course, sometimes light bruises are sprinkled on my right arm, to even it out. I look at the clock and roll my eyes at the time. 8:02.

Okay. Deep breath in. Two hours this time. Deep breath out. You deserve it. Deep breath in. Pathetic. Pain shoots through my leg and I resist the urge to cry out as the bat comes down. I repeat my action in the same spot, over and over.

Idiot. Hit. Stupid. Hit Immature. Hit. Worthless. Harder. Wannabe. Switch spots. Impossible to love. Hit. Sick. Hit. Sick. Harder hit. You're sick. Hit. Sick. Hit, hit, hit, over and over.

I'm a sobbing mess, my cries staying quiet but not silent. "Make it stop." I sob as I continue to whack my legs with the bat. My legs and arms are shaking and feel numb. A piece of the bat broke resulting in me cutting my leg, blood dripping down the sides of my legs.

The sounds of the bat hits were joined in by another bang. The door. I panic and look around, the clock showing 9:50. I can't open the door like this.

"River, open the door, I know you're awake. I heard noises. People are complaining, let me in." I curse over and over and wipe my eyes.

"I can't!" Was the first thing to come from my mouth. It came out strangled and sounded like a cry. Seriously? Idiot.

"River, what's going on? I will bust this door down." I quickly sort through my brain trying to think of an excuse.

"I-I don't know your n-name! Y-you're a.. a stranger!!" My voice was shaky and cries came out at involuntary times. The man scoffed on the other side of the door and sounded back, "Luke. My name is Luke, now open the door before I bust it down!" He sounds angry, and it honestly scares me. I know he isn't bluffing about the door, as he is already starting to kick at it. He's going to be even angrier if I don't open the door and he has to kick it down.

I slowly get up, yet fall back down immediately, my legs not able to support me. As I fall I let out a shriek and I hear Luke shout "That's it!" before my door flew open. I look up at him from the floor and he stares down at the mess that is me.

"What the fuck?" He squats down and takes the bat from me, examining it. "Oh god.." He puts a hand on my face and looks into my eyes, his own filled with what seems like sadness. He picks me up gently pulling me into his lap.

"What did you do, babydoll?" I sob quietly and mutter a string of inaudible words. He just rocks me back and forth telling me to 'shh' and running his fingers through my hair.

word count: 1418

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