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chapter seven:
sick fuck

I slowly open my eyes, and take in my surroundings. I close my eyes again when I recognize Luke's apartment. I slowly wake, feeling Luke's body holding me close to him. My eyes snap open when I feel something hard pressing up against back. I awkwardly wiggle, trying to get out of Luke's grip.

"Stop moving.." Luke mumbles sleepily.

"L-Luke?" He groans in response. "Uhm.. I need to g-get up.." Luke moves a little, then I hear him suck in a sharp breath. He quickly releases me from his grip, and I sit up. I see a clock on the wall reading 2 am.

"I-I'm just gonna go back to my apartment." I stand up and bite my lip, waving slightly to Luke. He says nothing as I leave his apartment and make my way to mine. I groan in embarrassment when I get inside. I'm still tired, so I go into my room and lay down on my bed. As I close my eyes I hear a soft voice saying my name. I snap my eyes open and say still, trying to hear.

"R-River.. oh fuck.." I furrow my eyebrows, and press my ear up against my wall. I hear a soft noise, and occasional moans. I pull my head back, and bring a hand up to my mouth.

"No.." I whisper to myself. I feel my face heat up as I hear whimpers on the other side of the wall.

"Oh fuck, baby doll." His moans get louder, and I find myself whimpering along with them. His words start to run together, and his moans get shaky. I can clearly hear it when he reaches his climax, and I find myself imagining it in my head. His moans slowly quiet down, and I lay there in my bed breathing heavily. I close my eyes, calming down. I replay the sound of his moans in my head over and over as I fall asleep.

"Why did I agree to this?" I snap at Corinna over the phone.

"Because he's a fucking sex god!" She yells at me, and I groan, wanting to slam my head against the wall.

Luke had knocked on my door a few hours ago, asking me if I wanted to go to one of his friends house. They were having some sort of party. Not like a teenage house party, but something similar. I had awkwardly agreed, then slammed my door in his face after he told me what time to be ready.

"River! This is your chance! You heard him moaning your name while he was getting off!" I feel my face heat up and I tell her to shut up.

"Corinna, this is serious! It's going to be so awkward!" I slip on my shoes when I see the the clock reads 5:27 pm. Luke told me we were leaving at 5:30. I hear a knock on my door and I tell Corinna that I have to go.

"Get some!" She shouts and I mentally curse at her as I end the call. I open the door and Luke stands there smirking. I look him up and down, he's wearing black jeans and a rolling stones shirt.

"Hey there babydoll." I think back to early this morning and it takes everything for me to not whimper.

"H-Hi Luke." I awkwardly bite my lip and Luke tilts his head.

"You ready?" I look up at him and smile.

"Yup." I leave my apartment, and we walk down the stairs. As we reach the parking lot I look around for Luke's cars. I don't see it anywhere, so I look back at Luke. I follow him to a silver audi. He unlocks it and opens the door for me.

"What happened to your car?" I think back to his black GTR that we rode in to the church and he mumbles "nothing". I drop it, and get into the audi. He walks around and gets into the drivers seat.

I awkwardly stare out the window as he starts the car and drives out of the parking lot. My head snaps towards him when I feel him set his hand on my thigh. I start to awkwardly fiddle with my shirt. Luke notices and sighs deeply.

"Okay, why are you being so awkward? What's going on?" I widen my eyes and shake my head.

"Nothing!" The tone in my voice clearly gives it away that I'm lying. Luke growls and slams his hands on the steering wheel.

"Don't you dare lie to me." I close my eyes, slightly afraid. Luke gets angry so easily, and it honestly scares me.

"I-I'm sorry!" I whimper and bite my lip. "I heard you.. Early this morning after I left.. T-Thin walls." Luke looks at me then at the road. He stays quiet for a moment, making me shake nervously. He reaches his hand over again and sets it on my thigh, further up than last time.

"Oh, babydoll. I know. I could hear your little whimpers." I look over at him with pink cheeks. I frantically look back out the window, wishing I could get out of the car. He chuckles at me and squeezes my thigh.

I stay silent for the rest of the ride, trying to ignore the feeling of Luke's hand rubbing my thigh. Every now and then he would pinch my skin, causing me to yelp. He would smirk in response. I tried to push his hand away, but that just made him mad.

When we pull up into a driveway, I panic at the size of the house and the amount of cars. A giant house full of people I don't know, doesn't sound like too much fun. I sigh and get out of the car, following Luke to the front door. Before he opens the door, he grabs my hand.

"Hold on, I don't want you getting lost." I nod and grab his arm with my other hand. We enter the house and tons of people are standing around with drinks. Some are dancing, some are just talking, and some are making out. I hide my face once I see a group of people with very little clothing making out on a couch. Luke notices and laughs at me.

"Innocent little flower." We walk further into the house, and into a room full of men that look similar to Luke. They wear dark clothing and have piercings and tattoos. I shyly hide behind Luke as he lets go of my hand to greet some of the men.

"Who's this young girl you've got with you, mate?" A smiley man with brown hair asks Luke, and Luke puts an arm in front of me.

"Watch yourself, Ashton." The brunette laughs loudly and steps back with his hand up.

"Chill, mate. I didn't realize she was yours. She looks a little young." Luke says nothing, but instead grabs my hand again and pulls me over to a couch. There's only one empty seat on the couch, and Luke sits in it. I look at him nervously and he smirks. He pats his legs, motioning for me to sit in his lap. I hesitantly turn around, going to sit. As I'm about to sit, his rough hands grab my hips and pull my down harshly. He pulls me back against his chest, and wraps his arms around my body.

I sit on his lap, getting more comfortable the longer I stay there. He converses with his friends as I zone out. I feel a slight pinch on my side and I jolt back into reality.

"Huh?" The group of men laugh at me, and I blush deeply.

"I was asking you if you knew any younger girls? Perhaps any 13 or 14 year olds? I'm in need of a little girl to fuck." A man with dark hair asked me seriously. I suck in a deep breath and look back at Luke. He stares back at me with a look of warning. As if to say, behave.

"You're disgusting! What kind of sick fuck wants to have sex with a child!" The grip Luke has around me tightened painfully, and I feel myself being pushed up. When I stand I feel a hand grab my wrist and drag me into a different room. The room is empty, and Luke pushes me inside and locks the door.

"You're gonna fucking regret that when I'm done with your pretty little ass."

word count: 1424

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