Chapter 7

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Joe hadn't realised how late it was getting until Shannon had said she'd have to leave. Looking at his watch as he unlocked the front door he knew Katherine would be on the warpath. He'd said he might stop for a drink after work but she wouldn't expect him to be out this late without prior arrangement. He guessed Donnie had a point when he said he was whipped.

He tried to open the door quietly but Katherine was awake and waiting for him.

'Hey, where did you get to?' she demanded as soon as he stepped through the door.

'Oh I just stopped off at O'Grady's, I thought I told you.'

'Yeah you did but I thought it was just for a quick drink,' she said frowning.

'Yeah, that was the plan.' She raised an eyebrow in inquiry. 'Come on, it's not that late,' he said seeing her look and getting a bit irritated.

'No but you could have texted,' she said pursing her lips. 'You know I can't sleep when I'm waiting for you to come home.' He nodded acknowledging her point, he should have at least texted but he hadn't intended to be out for so long.

'So what have you been doing?' he asked not wanting to talk about his evening.

Katherine shrugged. 'Just a bit of tidying, and watching some TV.'

'Right, well I'm going for a shower,' he said.

'Oh just one thing,' Katherine said and something about her voice put him instantly on edge. 'I found this beer mat with a number on, whose is it?'

'It's Shannon's, Donnie gave it to me.' Katherine's eyes widened and Joe said looked away.

'Shannon's number?' she asked, a definite edge to her voice. 'Why would Donnie be giving you her number?'

Joe felt like he was about to be caught in a trap. 'I wanted to clear the air with her, I didn't want things to be awkward between us all,' he said with a lightness he didn't feel.

'So you've called her?' Her mouth turned down and Joe knew he'd better tread carefully.

'Yeah just briefly.' That at least wasn't a lie.

'Why didn't you tell me first? It's a pretty bid deal calling your ex,' she said her voice rising an octave.

Joe put his arm around her shoulder squeezing her lightly. 'I didn't think there was anything to tell, I mean it's not a secret. I wouldn't have left her number lying around if it was.'

Katherine let out a deep breath. 'So what did Shannon say?' she asked her voice calmer again.

'Not much, I guess she agreed to be civil if we run into each other, not that I thought she wouldn't be.'

'Then I don't see the purpose of your call,' she said tersely and Joe did not miss the implied accusation.

'Look I just wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings, for your sake more than anyone's. We're probably going to run in to her from time to time.' His evasions were making him defensive. He knew he should come clean about meeting up with Shannon but the moment had passed and Kat was bound to make a big deal of it.

'Well hopefully our paths won't cross,' Katherine said and that inexplicably riled him.

'If Shannon and Donnie hit it off we might.' Katherine looked perplexed so he told her of Donnie's intentions.

'I think it's safe to say I could happily get through life without seeing Donnie again,' she said wryly. 'Surely you don't think the four of us will be socialising?'

Joe sighed. 'I wish you liked him,' he said deflecting. 'I know he's a little rude sometimes but he doesn't mean to be offensive.'

Katherine scowled. 'Joe that's what every obnoxious jerk says. I was kidding, it was a joke. Well, how about they don't say it in the first place if that's really all it is.'

Joe smiled tightly. 'I'll go have that shower,' he said leaving her to it. He didn't want to have a dumb fight over Donnie, especially when he knew the real issue was Shannon. He was kicking himself for not being straight with Katherine, he should have discussed his plans from the outset.


Shannon poured herself a glass of wine and began to go through her messages. She'd told Joe she'd had an early start but that wasn't strictly true; she had wanted to control when the evening ended. She'd enjoyed the night far more than she'd expected and that disturbed her. She'd never considered getting back with the Joe when she was nineteen, but now he was far more grown up and admittedly more attractive. She took a sip of wine and reminded herself that she couldn't think like this, he could only ever be a friend.

She brought up Kelly's number and called seeing that she'd sent her numerous messages all evening demanding the gory details.

'Hey! How did it go?' Kelly asked as predictable as ever.

'It was fun actually. I mean at first I thought he wanted to rake over old ground and I wasn't looking forward to that but he didn't,' Shannon said curling her legs under her as she muted the TV.

'He's well fit these days isn't he?' Kelly laughed.

'I can't say I noticed,' Shannon said disingenuously.

'Shannon get yourself down to the gym, I'm telling you he's hot.'

'Kelly he's about to get married, I think I'll turn my attention elsewhere.'

'No harm in looking,' Kelly told her. 'So did all your old feelings come rushing back? I bet they did.'

Shannon sighed. 'Kelly by the time we finished I didn't really have any feelings,' she insisted. 'I was the dumper not the dumpee.'

Kelly laughed again. 'Yeah, and he was gutted. I remember him crying on my shoulder and I was offering myself to him on a plate but he wasn't interested.'

'Kellly you didn't!' Shannon felt indignant. Her best friend making a play for her ex-boyfriend....

'You'd dumped him remember, but ok maybe I'm exaggerating for effect but he was cut up over you dumping him,' Kelly recalled and Shannon felt a pang.

'Well it's worked out for the best,' she said lightly.

'Has it? You're single and he's getting married.'

Way to rub it in, she thought.

'Yeah I know,' she said trying to sound blase. 'I wish it was the other way around but there's not much I can do about that. Oh did I tell you Donnie asked me out?'

Kelly squealed down the line. 'No, what did you say?'

'I played it off like he was just asking to get together, rather than go on a 'date' date,' Shannon admitted. The prospect of a date with Donnie had her feeling nervous.

'Why did you do that?' Kelly asked sounding impatient. 'You've got to get back in the saddle sometime.' Shannon nodded to herself, it had been a year since her last break up.

'I don't think me and Donnie would be right for each other, I like him but he's not serious.' There was a pause and Shannon imagined Kelly was rolling her eyes.

'Yeah, but why not have some fun in the meantime. And you can't tell what he'd be like in a relationship before you even go on a date,' Kelly pointed out.

'I guess,' Shannon said uncertainly.

'Shannon, you're just scared of getting hurt again. You're putting barriers up and you're not giving anyone a chance.'

'Do you blame me?' Shannon asked a little sharply.

'No of course not,' Kelly said hastily. 'But you have to open up sometime. It's just a date, no one expects you to go rushing into a relationship.'

'I know,' Shannon said taking another sip of wine. She'd moped about for long enough. She knew she had to put the past behind her and get on with her life. Maybe going on a date with Donnie would be a good starting point.


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