Chapter 37

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Shannon looked across the breakfast table at Joe, leaving the bowl of cereal in front of her untouched. She rarely ate breakfast but when Joe had presented her with it she hadn't objected, she was in no mood to listen to another lecture about looking after herself properly.

'So what's the plan of action for today?' she asked as she stirred her spoon around the bowl as if she was about to eat.

Joe looked up rubbing his eyes. 'I'm going to get my stuff from the house while Kat's at work and then I'll talk to her tonight.' He sighed deeply. 'I've cleared my diary at work, it's probably best my path doesn't cross with Adam's anytime soon.'

Shannon nodded feeling hurt on his behalf. She hadn't expected his parents to react well to the news that he was splitting up with Katherine but Adam had gone positively nuclear. 'I guess a leopard doesn't change his spots,' she murmured.

Joe shook his head. 'No, he's predictable, I'll give him that. I thought mom might have understood though, she always had reservations about me marrying Kat.'

Shannon looked down at her cereal, which was becoming less appetising by the minute as the milk soaked into it. 'But you didn't tell her the whole story? I mean anything about me?'

'No, I told you that last night. The way Adam was kicking off full disclosure would have only inflamed the situation.'

Shannon nodded, the knot of anxiety in her stomach growing. It was ridiculous that she was more worried about Joe's parent's reaction than she was about Katherine's.

'I think you've gone about this backside first Joey,' she said pushing the cereal away before she heaved. 'You should have told Katherine first.'

Joe shrugged. 'Hindsight's twenty-twenty. I thought I could go back home for a few days and sort things out. How stupid of me to think Adam would put a roof over my head.'

Shannon frowned chewing her bottom lip. 'I still think you should have told Katherine last night and then packed a bag. I can't help thinking you haven't quite made your mind up.'

A look of irritation flashed across his face. 'I have, but it's not that easy Shannon.'

'You mean Katherine won't make it easy for you, so you're trying to sort everything else out first.' 

Joe looked away and she knew she'd hit a nerve. Of course, he hadn't wanted to finish with Katherine until he had somewhere else to live and she kind of understood that. She remembered the dying days of her relationship with Mark, knowing it was over but still living under the same roof, it had been self-inflicted torture. Joe, however, had been living like that for weeks now.

'So what are your plans for today?' she asked letting him off the hook. 'You can stay here for a few days but that's all.' No way was she going to allow him to move in with her by stealth.

'I'll find a hotel, honestly, it's fine. I didn't come here expecting you to put me up but I didn't want to go back to Katherine's late last night.'

It struck her as a little odd that he talked about his home with Katherine as if it was her place only. Maybe it was a sign that he'd already moved on?

'A hotel's going to get expensive though,' she said trying not to feel guilty for not offering to put him up.

'It's only short term, I'll find somewhere to rent.' He smiled at her reassuringly. 'I've just got to move some money around first.'

She raised her eyebrows and he let out a sigh.

'I didn't tell you everything that happened last night. With my parents.'

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