Chapter 11

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Shannon was feeling stupidly excited about meeting up with Joe again, she knew she was being ridiculous, he was her ex but she couldn't wait to see him. Deliberately she'd suggested they could meet at her apartment, and she was a little bit surprised Joe had agreed without hesitation.

She spent an hour getting ready, teasing her hair and making sure her makeup was immaculate. As she surveyed her appearance in the mirror she suddenly felt deflated. What was she doing getting all dressed up as if she was being taken on a date? She was such an idiot.

She walked through to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine grateful she wasn't working the next day. She sat down, almost instantly relaxing as the alcohol hit her system although she knew the relief was mostly in her head.

She grabbed her phone and looked at her facebook notifications while she waited for Joe, then idly scrolled through her newsfeed. Her ex had updated his profile picture to yet another selfie of him with his girlfriend Natalie, the pair of them holding cocktails as they smiled for the camera. She took another sip of her own drink as she studied them more closely, bitterness washing over her. Her former friend and her ex-boyfriend, talk about a cliche.

Before she could fully descend into the depths of self-pity there was a knock at the door. She stood up, adjusting her dress and plastering a smile onto her face.

'Hey come on in,' she said opening the door to Joe, and her face relaxed into a more natural smile as he looked down at her.

'Hiya,' he said handing her over a bottle of wine and she was glad he was on the same wavelength. She put the bottle to chill in the fridge and got him a glass of wine from the bottle she'd already started.

'So what's Katherine doing tonight?' she asked as she led him through to the living room. It seemed odd for him to arrange to meet her on a Friday evening when surely they should be doing coupley stuff?

'She's going through wedding preparations with my mom,' he said with a half smile.

'So why aren't you there?'

'You never did beat about the bush,' he said with a laugh. 'I'm not there cos at the end of the day they're gonna do what they want. If I go I'll be piggy in the middle and referee. It's a no-win situation.'

Shannon nodded, she didn't know about Katherine but she could well remember how intransigent Joe's mom could be 'Right so you're here with me instead?' she asked raising an eyebrow.

'I guess.' He gave her a boyish look.

She sighed taking a sip of her drink. 'Is there something you want Joey?' She was old enough to know a man didn't ditch his girlfriend to spend time with another woman by accident.

'No, not really, I mean I wanted to see you,' he said almost stumbling over the words.

'But why?' she asked twirling her hair around her finger. 'I'm happy to be friends but this seems a little odd, don't you have better things to do on a Friday night?'

'Don't you?' He threw the question back at her.

She took a gulp of her wine and looked at him directly. 'No Joey I don't. I'm a very single woman facebook stalking my ex!' She laughed and then realised Joe might think she meant him. 'I split up with Mark over a year ago, I really should stop it.' She cringed but Joe didn't seem to notice.

'I can't really be bothered with social media,' Joe said clearing his throat. 'But that doesn't sound very healthy Shannon.'

She bristled at the criticism, if that's what it was. 'I do know that,' she said her voice sharp. 'But maybe I like to remind myself that I did the right thing in dumping him.'

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