Chapter 27

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'Kat, wait up,' Joe called as he hurried out of the building after making a quickly worded apology to Clare for the abrupt end to their counselling session.

Katherine continued to stride ahead of him, making a beeline for his car. 'Give me your keys,' she demanded as she spun around with her hand outstretched.

'You've gotta be kidding,' he said with a mock laugh. He didn't like her driving his car at the best of times, she certainly wasn't going to when she was overwrought.

'I want to drive,' she insisted, and he ignored her unlocking the door and getting into the driver's seat. After a moment she got in next to him. 'I bet if it was Shannon asking you'd let her.'

He scoffed. 'Let Shannon drive my car?' He shook his head. 'Have you seen how she drives? Hell would...' The words died on his lips, he was joking about Shannon like they were all friends. He turned the engine over, trying to ignore the holes Kat was boring into his head.

'Obviously, I have no idea what Shannon's driving skills are like,' she said icily. 'And I don't want to hear your cutesy anecdotes about her.'

He turned the engine off again and turned to look at Katherine. 'But we do need to have a conversation about her. I mean, what happened back there? You storming out like that.'

Katherine looked away. 'I don't want to talk about it,' she said crossing her arms.

Joe let out a groan. 'I thought that was the whole point of going to counselling.'

'I wanted to focus on the future, not the past,' she said her jaw jutting out stubbornly. 'That exercise was totally futile.'

'I don't think it was,' Joe said quietly. Katherine had to face up to reality sometime.

'Well I found it counterproductive,' Kat said her voice rising. 'And I'd seriously question that woman's abilities so drop it already!'

Joe opened his mouth but was interrupted by the ringing of Kat's cell phone. She glanced at the screen and grimaced, terminating the call.

'Who was it?'


'You should have taken the call.'

She glared at him, her lips pursed. 'I said I don't want to talk about it. Now, will you just drive me home because I'm getting an awful headache.' She rubbed her temple for good measure but he wasn't fooled. However, he switched the engine back on and they drove home in silence.


Joe got up late on Saturday morning despite Katherine loudly pottering about around the house. Partly he was tired since he'd been waiting until she was asleep most nights before going to bed, and sleeping on the couch if she wasn't. Partly he wanted to stay out of her way until she was willing to talk about their relationship properly. She couldn't keep stonewalling him forever.

'I'm going for a run Kat,' he shouted out, his hand on the front door handle.

'Wait, what?' she said sticking her head out of the living room, looking annoyed. 'I didn't even hear you get up.'

'I got up a while ago, you probably didn't hear me over the racket you were making.'

She opened her mouth to retaliate but then her lips formed a thin line. 'Fine, don't be too long.'

He made a non-committal response and headed out the door before she could come up with an objection. He set off at a slow pace his legs feeling heavy, he knew the lack of sleep was starting to affect him. The situation could not continue on, something had to give.

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