Chapter 42

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Katherine strolled out of the gym, Eva at her heels. She felt exhausted rather than energised thanks to their spin class and realised she was probably running on empty after a frantic few weeks.

'Let's grab a coffee,' Eva said steering her away from the exit. 'You're not in a hurry to get home are you?'

Katherine gave her a rueful smile, Eva knew she had nothing to go home to. Not these days. She let herself be led away and sat down while Eva ordered for them.

'So how have you been?' Eva asked placing an Americano and a slice of cake down in front of her. 'I heard Danielle mailed our dresses to Joe's mom.'

Katherine's cheeks heated up. 'Don't even go there. I'm dying.'

Eva gave her a sympathetic smile. 'Drunk decisions are never the best. I did try to warn you.'

Katherine nodded, taking a bite out of her cake. 'I know, I wish I'd never texted Joe's mom in the first place.'

'So why did you?'

'Honestly? Cos she doesn't like me.' She let out a deep sigh. 'I feel pathetic admitting it but that's the truth. When I first met her I tried so hard to make a good impression, I was polite, complimentary, you name it. And then afterwards Joe told me his dad really liked me, it was pretty obvious the implication was his mom didn't like me. And Joe loves his mom. I wanted her to like me, and I resented that she didn't for no good reason. She never gave me a chance.'

Eva took a sip of her drink. 'Forget about it, they probably have.'

'Hopefully.' She paused for a moment. 'I've tried to talk to Joe.'

'Don't try to talk to him.'

'We've got to sort out the house. I want to stay but I'd need to find some roommates.' She looked at Eva pointedly. 'I kinda wondered if you and Danielle might move in? It's got three bedrooms and I'd move into the smallest.'

Eva coughed, clearing her throat. 'Actually, it's funny you mentioning living arrangements. You've probably noticed that me and Danielle haven't been getting along so well lately?'

'I have sensed a bit of tension.'

'We've been rubbing each other up the wrong way, pretty much since I've gotten together with Kieran.'

'Right,' Katherine said slowly, mentally crossing out the idea of them all being roommates.

'Between you and me, I think she's jealous,' Eva said looking around furtively. 'But this could be a win-win situation.'

'How so?'

'Well, Dani could move in with you,' Eva said her eyes brightening. 'And Kieran could move in with me. We've been talking about getting our own place, and I've been worrying about Danielle.' Her voice faded as she looked at Katherine for a response.

'I'm not sure if Dani and I could afford the rent between the two of us,' Katherine said uncertainly. 'It's probably more than Dani would want to pay.'

'I bet you could, you both work full time and I'm sure Dani would like more space. And it saves you the disruption of moving out.'

Katherine frowned thinking Eva had obviously already given the idea some thought. It did make sense but it would be a big adjustment having to allocate so much of her salary towards bills. She'd already spent hours pouring over her bank statements and it had come as a shock - but also a relief - to see how much money she'd been frittering away unnecessarily. Well, that wouldn't be happening anymore.

'I'll talk to Dani,' Katherine said taking another bite of her cake. 'If I tell her you're moving in with Keiran, she might go for it.'

Eva nodded. 'I think that would work, and you could always sublet the third bedroom.'

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