Chapter 34

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Shannon stood under the shower trying to wash the events from the previous evening out of her mind. She felt grubby in more ways than one. She'd kill Kelly when she felt halfway human again, she'd gone too far setting her up like that. Did she honestly think the evening would have ended with her and Joe walking off into the sunset? Angrily she scrubbed her face as the sound of the front door buzzing interrupted her thoughts. Talk about perfect timing!

She ignored it but the noise didn't stop, whoever it was obviously wasn't going anywhere until she answered the door. She got out of the shower and slowly dried herself off; if they were that desperate to see her then they could damn well wait until she was ready. Pulling a robe around herself she headed to the door thinking it was probably Kelly coming to apologise or maybe Katherine and her Huskies were going to warn her off. She let out a laugh, no Joe called them pit bulls and clearly with good reason.

Cautiously she looked through the spy hole, jumping back when she saw Joe standing on the other side.

'Come on, Shannon, open the door,' he said pressing his finger to the buzzer again. 'I'll wait here all day if I have to and that's gonna get pretty boring for the both of us.'

She winced, the noise irritating her delicate head as he'd surely anticipated. 'Fine come on in,' she said unlocking the door and arranging her face into what she hoped was a displeased expression.

Joe stepped inside. 'Is he here?' He pushed past her looking in the living room and then poking his head into the kitchen.

'Would you like to inspect my bedroom while you're at it?' she asked her voice scathing.

Joe turned, his shoulders sagging. 'No, I guess he's already left. That's why you let me in, right?'

'I let you in because the noise was driving me crazy,' Shannon said pulling her robe tighter around herself and scooting past Joe to get into the kitchen. She filled the kettle up, desperate for a coffee. 'But to answer your question, Donnie left last night.'

Joe pulled a face. 'So he didn't even stay, that's-'

'What Joey? Treating me like you did?'

Joe inhaled deeply. 'Touche. I guess I deserved that, I shouldn't have tried to start something up with you while I was still with Kat. But Shannon, why would you let Donnie use you? I mean you could have any guy, why him?'

Shannon shook her head. 'Nothing happened. You really have a low opinion of me, don't you? And a low opinion of your friend?'

Joe grabbed her arm. 'Are you serious? You left the club with Donnie-'

'Yeah we left the club, that's all. Not that it's anything to do with you. You're still engaged.' She snatched her arm away from him, welcoming the indignation that washed over her.

How dare Joe start getting territorial when he was the one in a relationship?

She turned to the kettle and switched it off as it began to boil, making both herself and Joe a coffee.

'You still remember how I take it,' Joe remarked forcing her to meet his eyes.

'Old habits,' she said looking away.

'Shannon, I'm not engaged any more.' She looked at him warily. 'It's the truth, the wedding's off, you can ask my mom.'

She swallowed, struggling to find the right words. 'Okay, I guess I believe you but only cos I can't believe Katherine would still be contemplating marriage to you.' Joe gave her a half smile and her mouth turned down. 'You are still in a relationship though.'

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