Chapter 43

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Joe grimaced as his eyes fell on Katherine, and the smile on her face faltered. He forced his face into a neutral expression and made his way over to the table where she was sat with Donnie. He wondered what she was playing at, it was pointless her trying to win his friends over now.

'So you are alive?' Katherine said smiling again. 'I was beginning to worry.'

Joe's brow furrowed. He'd almost expected her to greet him with angry accusations or something but she appeared to be perfectly composed. He let out the breath he'd been holding. Thank god she was holding it together, there was only room for one overwrought female in his life.

'I've been busy with work,' he said trying to keep his tone light. He glanced at Donnie feeling a flash of irritation. First Shannon, now Kat? Couldn't he broaden his horizons a little?

'I've been pretty busy with work myself,' Katherine said pointedly, and Joe could tell she was trying to sound upbeat. 'I got a promotion, well kinda. It's more responsibility but the pay is the same.'

'Yeah, you said.' He recalled her mentioning something in one of the many texts she'd sent him. 'Congratulations.'

'Thanks, I wasn't sure if you got my message.'

'I did,' he said thinking rapidly. 'I thought I'd replied. I guess I must have read it when I was busy. Sorry.' Katherine's lips puckered into an expression Joe was all too familiar with, and Donnie stood up.

'I'll leave you guys to it,' he said pushing his chair back. 'Catch you later.' Joe did not miss that Donnie's eyes flittered towards Kat as he said the words. Much as Joe would like Katherine to move on, it would be a bit close to home if she got together with one of his friends.

'I guess Donnie felt awkward,' Katherine said as she watched his retreating form.

Joe eyed her curiously. 'I never knew you guys were so friendly, he was always on your shit list.'

Katherine flushed. 'He wasn't, we just got off on the wrong foot.'

'I did try telling you that at the time.' Mentally he slapped himself, he didn't want a trip down memory lane, and he suspected Katherine was more than willing to sit and dissect their past relationship.

'To be fair you did,' Katherine conceded, pushing her hair behind her ear. 'I guess I got him wrong, I got a lot of things wrong.'

Here we go, Joe thought. 'I got a lot of things wrong Kat, and if I could go back and do things differently I would.'

She bobbed her head slightly. 'So you've moved in with Shannon? Donnie told me.'

Joe groaned, what was it with Donnie blabbing his private affairs? 'I haven't moved in. I'm just staying with her while I find an apartment.'

'Is it really that hard?'

'Kinda.' It was now he was questioning whether it was wise for Shannon to be living by herself.

Katherine's brows knotted together. 'I heard Shannon was ill?'

Jeez, Donnie had turned into the worst girlie gossip. 'She doesn't look after herself, that's all,' he muttered.



She turned innocent eyes on him. 'What? We're friends, aren't we? We can talk about this stuff.'

He regarded her suspiciously, she was goading him, she had to be. 'I've already said, she doesn't look after herself.'

Katherine frowned deeply as if pondering his words. 'Maybe you should get her to join the gym. She doesn't come here, does she? Kelly does, and so you do, I'm sure she'll enjoy it.'

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