Chapter 30

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Danielle paused outside Kelly's salon as she contemplated her next move. For all it was a simple enough task to cancel her services on Katherine's behalf she felt like she wanted to make a point. Exactly what point, she wasn't so sure. Making her face expressionless she pushed through the door and stood by the counter tapping her foot. One of the stylists looked up and mouthed that she'd be with her in a moment but Kelly spotted her waiting and breezed over.

'Hi Dani, would you like an appointment?' she asked taking a pen from behind her ear. 'I'm sure I could fit you in somewhere. Anything for one of Katherine's friends.' She smiled brightly and Danielle looked at her incredulously.

Talk about two-faced.

'I don't want an appointment. Actually, I'm here to cancel the hair and makeup for Kat's wedding.'

Kelly did not bat an eyelid. 'Oh, has the wedding been cancelled?'

Danielle narrowed her eyes thinking it was funny how Kelly had jumped straight to that conclusion....

'The wedding's been put back, Joe has some commitments with work.' Kelly raised her eyebrows questioningly. 'And that trial we had, Katherine wasn't entirely happy with it but you know Kat, she didn't like to say.'

'So she sent you to tell me, right?' Kelly said irritably. Danielle guessed she'd be the same in her position, however, her loyalty was to Katherine. She knew Kat was being disingenuous but she hadn't pressed her, it was easy enough to read between the lines. Joe had obviously cheated with Shannon.

'So which is it?' Kelly asked cocking her head to one side. 'Does Katherine suddenly not like my services or is Joe too busy to get married?'

'A bit of both,' Danielle said looking around her. She'd always been quite impressed that Kelly was running a successful business when she couldn't be more than twenty-five or twenty-six, but now she wondered if it was all down to daddy's money. She did move in the same circles as Joe and his family were certainly well off.

'Okay,' Kelly said drawing her words out. 'So long as Kat realises the deposit is none refundable, and there's a late cancellation charge?'

Danielle couldn't help thinking she sounded almost smug. 'I'm sure Joe will sort that out,' she said trying to match Kelly's tone.

'I'm sure he will,' Kelly said folding her arms. 'I'm just sorry Kat was dissatisfied. Maybe I should call her, see what the issue is.'

'No! Don't do that, you'll only embarrass her.'

'I wouldn't put her on the spot but it's useful feedback for me. Although if the issue is more Joe...' She let her voice trail off and Danielle couldn't work out if she was fishing for information or letting her know that she saw through the excuses.

'Joe does have a lot of commitments,' Danielle said, trying to reign in her sarcastic undertone. 'It seems to me that he takes too much on.'

Kelly gave a tinkly laugh. 'Oh, he does. He was always like that, he'd do anything for anyone.'

'Yeah, he does get taken advantage of.' She gave Kelly a dark look but she stared blankly at her in return.

'So everything's okay with them?' Kelly asked turning her attention to her iPad and tapping it with her sharp fingernails as if Danielle wasn't even there.

'Of course, it is. I was just saying to Kat we should all have a big night out. I think we're going to Cure Lounge next Saturday.' She gave Kelly a smile, wondering how long it would take for their conversation to be repeated to Shannon. Well, it didn't matter, Shannon would hear Joe was having fun with his fiancee.

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