Chapter 21

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Katherine sat in the cafeteria of the gym, an untouched latte in front of her. She'd fully intended to throw herself into a workout but the moment she arrived she'd felt all her energy leave her. She was too weighted down to exercise.

'Hey Katie, what are you doing sitting here by yourself?' Donnie asked pulling a chair up beside her.

'I'm waiting for a caffeine hit to give me the kick up the ass I need to go workout.'

'Right,' Donnie said slowly looking at her latte. 'You'd better drink that then.'

She smiled and raised the cup to her lips, the hot liquid burning her tongue as she took too big a sip. 'I see you've finished your workout,' she said taking in his wet hair. 'You don't like using the hairdryer?'

Donnie laughed. 'I prefer a towel and to drip dry.'

She nodded taking another sip of her drink so that her face was obscured from Donnie's gaze. 'Did you know that Joe's been getting friendly with Shannon again?' she asked trying to sound casual.

The smile left Donnie face, and his eyes briefly darted away from her. 'Yeah, I've heard. How do you feel about it?'

'It's no big deal,' she said lightly. 'I'd have to be pretty insecure to have an issue with Joe seeing an old family friend.'

'Shannon broke Joe's heart though,' Donnie said and she felt a stabbing in her own heart. 'He was a mess after they split up, I'm not sure it's a good idea them being friends again.'

Katherine's throat constricted although Donnie had only said what she'd been thinking. 'I gather Joe's been supporting her with her mother's illness, or recovery, whatever you want to call it.'

Donnie looked at her, his brows furrowing. 'Shannon's mom's fine, I'm not sure why she needs support over that.'

Katherine swallowed, her mouth dry. 'Right so you're saying he's lying to me?'

Donnie cleared his throat. 'No it's just it the first I've heard of it. That doesn't mean it isn't true though. We don't really talk about Shannon.'

Katherine eyed him suspiciously. 'Any reason why not?' she asked trying not to sound accusatory.

'It's just a bit awkward after I took Shannon out,' Donnie said picking up a menu and briefly glancing at it. 'But talk to Joe, the thing about Shannon's mom doesn't ring true with me.'

Katherine sipped her coffee again as she composed her thoughts. It was almost like Donnie was trying to tell her something, and yet not at the same time.


In the end Katherine gave up on the idea of a workout. She'd procrastinated that long that she didn't have the time to fit it in when she already had an appointment to get her hair trimmed. She opened the door to Kelly's salon for a haircut feeling a little apprehensive. Since finding out she was Shannon's friend she'd been tempted to get someone else to do the hair and makeup for the wedding, but Joe had told her she was being petty. And as Eva had pointed out, she'd look like she was jealous and word would get back to Shannon.

'Getting cold feet yet?' Kelly joked with her as she wrapped a robe around her shoulders getting her prepared to have her hair washed.

'No, I'm nervous about the day itself but I'm looking forward to being married,' Katherine said conscious that her words might get back to Shannon.

'The day will be fine, you'll be that happy you won't even notice if there are any hitches.'

'You mean like getting stood up at the altar,' Katherine said laughing, and she could have sworn there was a slight pause before Kelly joined in with her.

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