Chapter 18

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Katherine was working out hard in the gym, she told herself it was because she wanted to be in shape for the wedding but she knew her figure was fine. However, working out allowed her to switch off and burn off some pent-up energy. The wedding plans were going full steam ahead despite Joe's bombshell; he'd barely made a murmur about postponing the wedding since then. Even when she'd tried to talk about their issues, issues she wasn't aware they had, he told her he'd simply drank too much and overreacted. Deep down she knew he was lying but she hadn't challenged him, and she'd never asked again what Shannon's secret was.

'Hey Katie,' Donnie said appearing next to her on the treadmill and her heart sank.

'It's Kat,' she said tightly and he grinned. She kicked herself for reacting when she suspected he was trying to wind you up.

'Is Joe with you?' Donnie asked, and she slowed down her pace.

'No we're not joined at the hip,' she said resenting the implication.

'It was just a question, I've been trying to get hold of him for a few weeks now but he's always busy. I guess you're getting snowed under with the wedding.'

Katherine frowned and slowed down to a walking pace. 'You saw Joe the other week,' she said thinking he was being stupid for exaggerating.

Donnie shook his head walking at the same pace she was. 'I've not seen him in ages.'

'Ok three or four weeks ago,' she said a little exasperated. 'When you all went drinking and he came home in a right funny mood so thanks for that!'

Donnie looked momentarily confused. 'Oh right, yeah sorry I forgot. Silly me.'

Silly me, she thought, since when did Donnie talk like that?

'You did meet Joe?' she asked tilting her head in his direction. 'Right after his cosy coffee date with Shannon?' She hated her sneering tone but she couldn't help it.

'Yeah, yeah, I guess I had a skinful, sorry.'

She looked at him doubtfully, not quite believing him, however, he wasn't her friend so she didn't feel comfortable pushing the matter. She'd ask Joe about it later.

'Yeah Joe had quite a lot to drink as well,' she said instead. 'It seems like Shannon had got under his skin?'

She met his gaze and he glanced at the console on the treadmill increasing the speed imperceptibly. 'How so?' he asked giving nothing away.

'Well he came home saying she'd told him some secret, and he wouldn't tell me. Hell I'm only gonna be his wife, why would he tell me,' she said with a fake laugh.

Donnie was silent for a moment. 'I can't think what she'd have told him,' he finally said. 'Neither of them have said anything to me.'

'Aren't you guys like the three musketeers?' she said not even attempting to hide her disdain.

Donnie shrugged. 'No. Joe's like my little brother, and Shannon, well I guess she's sort of a sister figure since it's clear nothing's gonna happen there.'

'And why is that?' Katherine asked thinking this was the most open conversation she'd ever had with Donnie. 'You're single, so is she, you're both attractive people.'

Donnie's eyebrows came together in a slight frown. 'We don't click in that way,' he admitted. 'I thought we might have had something but she's not interested.'

'Do you think that's cos she's after Joe?' She watched Donnie closely and he looked away from her.

'No I don't think me and Shannon would have worked out, and neither of us would want to get involved and then lose our friendship.' For all, it was a comprehensive answer Katherine didn't miss that he'd avoided the actual question.

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