chapter 9

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Please read!- guys! Just a little heads up! There's smut in this chapter! So you can skip it if you want! Not the 'real' smut tho. Its actually a partial smut so...

Camila pov-

I sigh loudly to myself as I approach my front door. I just finished dropping the girls to their houses and I'm so tired right now. I still haven't managed to call Laurens mobile and I'm worried as hell which just adds to my exhausted state.

I walked in only to be greeted by my parents who were smiling and holding each other as they smiled at me.

I arched my eyebrow in confusion as I turn around to close the door.

As I turn back to face them I spoke.

"Um. Mom? Dad? Is everything alright?" I ask as I stare at them.

My mom smiles happily and pecks my dads cheek before turning to me.

"Actually dear, there's something your father and I want to tell you and your sister.."

My dad nods his head as he yells out for Sofi to come downstairs.. Hmm.. She's probably in the mini theater..

She walks out after a few moments and groans loudly.
"Mom! Dad! I was in the middle of my favourite movie!"
Sofi whines with a small pout.

"Sofi, come downstairs honey. Your mother and I have some great news for you and Camila"
My dad says as he smiles softly at Sofi.

Sofi groans and stomps downstairs with a small frown.

A few minutes later we are all seated in the family living room.
Me and Sofi glance at each other , clearly confused as to why our parents are like this.
My mom looks at me and my dad reaches out to grab my moms hand. She smiles at him before taking a deep breath.

"Well.. Girls, you must be wondering why we wanted to talk to you guys so badly." My mom says.

I just stare at them and Sofi raises her eyebrows.

My mom inhales deeply and smiles at me and Sofi.
My dad lightly squeezes my moms hand and smiles softly.

"... Girls... You're going to have a new silbling!" My mom exclaims as she smiles brightly at me and Sofi.
My dad nods his head happily as he reaches down to rub my moms stomach with a smile on his face.

Its quiet for a few minutes as Sofi and I silently take in the news.

Wow... I'm gonna have a new silbling, and Sofi is going to be a big sister!

I grin widely as i stand up and walk towards my parents. 
I reach down and hug my mom lightly, careful not to put too much pressure on her stomach.

After a while we pull apart from the hug and I'm still grinning like a retarded idiot.

"Wow.. That's great mom! I'll finally and possibly have a baby brother!" I exclaim happily as I clap my hands.
My parents chuckle and I smile at them .

"Yea. That's why your mother and I were always out most of the time." My dad says as he grins at my mom.

My eyes widened and I faked a gag.
"OK! Ew dad, too much information, way to ruin the mood."

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