Chapter 23

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*didn't proofread any of this shit, so sorry.*

"Oh hell no, I'm choosing the movie, so y'all can fuck off." Dinah says.
They were all currently sitting in Normani's living room in their pajamas. Normani's parents decided to go out that night so she thought 'oh what the heck? I'll just call the girls over for a girls night.'
So she did. Plus, it was a Friday night so it has to be lit.

Unfortunately for Lauren, the police officer canceled on them so they were going over tomorrow.
Lauren didn't want to go over to Normani's in the first place, but seeing as her own siblings were going out as well, she might as well do so.
Looks like we're all trying to do something to take our mind off his death.
She thought to herself.
She also tried to ignore what that blonde said to her earlier in school but she couldn't help but wonder.
How does she know about dads death?
Cause last time she remembered, it was only Camila plus her siblings that knew.(also Sinu but Camila hasn't mentioned it yet) so she's confused.

"Oh c'mon Dinah! You're just gonna choose a scary ass movie and you know how we hate scary movies!" Normani whined out with a small pout.
Dinah smirked as she glanced over at Camila who grinned back at her.
"PSH, you guys hate scary movies. Me and Camila love scary movies — No! Don't start. We're watching conjuring 2 whether you guys like it or not." Dinah says as she places the CD into the DVD player.
"Plus, you could always cuddle up to me if you're scared." Dinah states as she sends a playful wink in Normani's direction.
She walked over and turned off the lights before strutting over next to Normani and sat down.
Ally sat on a single couch as Dinah and Normani sat on the end of the long couch with Lauren and Camila on the other end.

"Hey.. You okay with watching this movie?" Camila whispered over to Lauren as the intros started.
Lauren looked over at her and smiled softly.
"Sure, don't worry about it." She reassures.
Camila hummed quietly and hooked her arms over Laurens neck.
Lauren sighed contently and leaned into her side, taking in her scent as she smiled.
Lauren hates to admit, but she's scared shitless of scary movies. She may act and look strong on the outside, but on the inside... She's literally a scared kitten.
She decides to suck it up and watch but when the nun showed up, she's ready to jump up and run to Alaska.

She gazes over at Camila instead, an attempt to avoid the movie and it worked.
She smiles as she sees the way Camila's eyes lits up and sparkles with excitement.
The way her bottom lip is pulled in with her teeth and the way she lightly gasps when something scary happens in the movie.
Okay, call her a creep for staring too much— but it is Camila after all. She's gorgeous and cute not to mention dorky as fuck; so can you blame her for staring? She's literally a masterpiece.

Its cut short when they all hear a loud thud on the floor.
Turning their heads, they find Ally on the ground.
Ally stands up immediately and smiles embarrassingly.
"Um. Sorry, that part kinda scared me..." She says.
Dinah snorts while Normani and Camila lightly snicker into the palms of their hand.
"Um Ally. Nothing happened. They were literally just talking."
Ally huffs and sits back on her couch as she folds her arm over her chest.
"Hey. Its not my fault I get scared easily. You guys are so not fair." Ally says in a whiney tone.
Dinah chuckles as she raises her eyebrows up.
Normani stands up quickly as she heads upstairs for something.
Not a minute later, she comes back downstairs with what appears to be—
"Moose-moose!!" Ally squeals happily as she takes the stuffed moose teddy bear from Normani's hand.
Normani nods her head as she takes her place beside Dinah.
Lauren raises her eyebrows as she speaks.
"Moose-moose?" She questions confusingly.
Camila chuckles and leans over to whisper.
"That's Ally's favourite stuff teddy bear—well moose. But, you get what I mean.. Its pretty cute if you ask me." Camila says.
Lauren hums and nods her head. She doesn't mind the fact that Ally's squealing like a child because she herself has a stuff teddy of Nala, which she loves dearly since its been with her ever since she was little.

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