Chapter 8-Recovery

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It had been weeks since Abscon had died.Having become distraught over the death of your dragon, you had failed to notice various wounds that scattered your body from the various arrows that had been coming at you in the attack. In the few days after the funeral you kept trying to deny it had happened, walking down to the stables only to become shocked at the realization that he wasn't there, then having the realization hit you that he was dead..

A few days after that, you started blaming yourself about it, thinking that if you had just done something different, a different turn, a different weapon, you could have stopped it from happening. The pain of the loss began hitting you fully in the next few days, clearly visible by Hiccup and the others by sudden bursts of tears. They all worried about you, even the twins hugged you at one point. The next few days after that you began to get angry at random times, even snapping at Fishlegs for no reason, which you apologized for after realizing what you had said and began crying about it. You began thinking about if you could somehow trade your life for Abscon's, just wanting this feeling..this hell to go away. 

You stayed in your hut. Barely eating or sleeping. At one point no one saw you for 3 days unless they went into your hut themselves. Hiccup sent a terror mail to Stoick and Gobber after some thought over the matter and not 2 hours after Stoick had slammed onto the landing bay of the Edge. "Where is she?!" He asked as Astrid and Fishlegs ran up to him, after hearing the boom Skullcrusher had caused. "She's in her hut! Come with us!" Astrid informed him, running towards the destination, Gobber stayed with the others, looking at them worriedly. You meanwhile, had been in your hut, holding onto your brother as he stroked your hair and hugged you. Hiccup had never been the most affectionate person, but when it came to you he didn't much care about it. As long as you were ok, that's all that mattered to him. Stoick suddenly smashed the doors open, making you flinch and cling to Hiccup tighter before realizing it was your father. He frantically looked around the room, breathing a shaky sigh of relief when he saw you. "Oh thank Thor!!" He exclaimed before rushing forwards and taking you in a tight embrace. "Thank Odin you're ok..." He said as you began crying again, gripping onto his long rough hair. "He's gone dad.." You sobbed, the cries racking your body as you shook. "I know lass..I know.." Stoick comforted you, knowing the feeling of grief all too well. 

"What are we gonna do about her Hiccup? The poor thing can't stay in her hut forever..And she wont last a day out here considering the state she's in and without..Abscon.." Fishlegs asked Hiccup as they walked towards the clubhouse. "I don't know Fishlegs..It would make sense to send her back to Berk..but (y/n) being (y/n) she'll probably refuse.." He sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "We could always get her a new dragon." Snotlout pointed out, earning a glare from Fishlegs, Astrid and Hiccup. "(y/n) has just lost the dragon that's been there for her since she was 14. Do you really think she's gonna get over that so quickly?!" Astrid raged at him, Hiccup and Fishlegs holding her back as the twins face palmed. "No! But if she needs to protect herself, what better way is there?" He asked stubbornly, crossing his arms. "We need to give her time Snotlout!" Hiccup shouted at him whilst struggling against Astrid, trying to prevent her from completely destroying the viking stood in front of her insulting her best friend. 

"I don't know what I'm gonna do dad..." You sighed, wiping tears from your sullen eyes, sitting next to Stoick as he stroked your hair. "The best thing you can do right now is get completely dressed and go outside. Even if it is just for a walk around the island." You sighed again and rested your head in your hands "Lass..I know that it's going to be hard, and it will take some time..but if you want to continue living here with your brother and the others, you're going to have to find a new dragon. You know that.." You tensed up. Even if it was didn't have to be put so bluntly. "I know dad but I just..I can't imagine myself on another dragon after Abscon...and I would feel so bad about it..I would feel like I'm betraying Abscon!" You told him, more tears threatening to fall. Stoick grew increasingly saddened and wiped the tears from your eyes. "I know..hell do you think I got over your mother in a night? No. It took months..even years..I searched everywhere..and when I couldn't find her, I finally accepted that she was gone. Not coming back. So I tried to think about you and Hiccup more than ever before.." You smiled sadly at his story, hugging him. "But (y/n), the only way to go now is forwards..Abscon would want it.." he told you, lifting your head up to look at him. You had dark circles under your eyes from many sleepless nights, and you were extremely pale and frail looking. "Now come on, lets get you outside eh?" He said, gently moving you to stand. You inhaled strongly and walked towards your boots and other items of clothing apart from the shirt and skirt or pants you were wearing currently.

You walked slowly down to the clubhouse with your father. You had done what you could to get rid of the dark circles, and they had gone a little, but were still there a little. When you walked into the clubhouse, you were greeted with a huge hug from Astrid and Gobber. "Thanks guys.." You smiled softly. "Its good to see you out lass.." Gobber patted your shoulder with his hand. "Its good to be in the sun again.." You breathed, looking out at the wide sea, suddenly getting a serious face again. "You ok? (y/n)?" Hiccup asked you. You looked at him, a slight hint of determination flickered in your eyes. "Ryker's going to pay for what he's done..somehow.." You told him.

Meanwhile, said Dragon Hunter was training for his next encounter with the Nightfury and Hiccup, whilst Dagur was sitting on his bed, deep in thought. "Dagur?" Heather asked as she walked in, feeling the tiniest bit interested in why her brother was so engulfed in thought and not inflicting violence upon some unsuspecting Dragon Hunter like usual. She still didn't like him. In fact if asked, she would probably most likely say that she hated him. But seeing as he was her brother, she may as well get in on why he was thoughtful. It may come in handy some time. Her brother looked up when she called his name, "Yes sister?" He asked, looking rather excited she was there. "Is something wrong?" She asked, doing her best to sound concerned. He sighed, for the first time in front of her, looking conflicted and concerned about something other than himself. "Don't tell ol' Rykie what I'm about to say ok?" He said, giving her a rather gentle version of the death stare. "Of course not, now whats bothering you?" She asked, growing rather annoyed yet keeping up her sisterly attitude. "Its about (y/n)...and her dragon..." Heather suddenly felt worry run through her. "What about them? I didn't see what happened when we were getting out of the cove remember?" She asked. Dagur looked around the room and then at her slowly. "Her dragon got hit with an axe whilst she was trying to defend the Edge from us..and then they fell in the water..and...the dragon..died..."

 Heather let out a small gasp, whilst trying to hide the fact that she was concerned. "I mean I always wanted to dragon out of the way of course! I mean it was always in the way of me and (y/n) being happy together the stupid stupid thing!!" He shouted, suddenly jumping up to punch the wall but remembering how you looked hunched over the changewing's body and stopped. "But she looked so..broken..I.." he trailed off and sat down again. Heather was staring wide eyed at her brother. He actually cared about someone besides himself..? I mean sure, she knew that he had an obsession with (y/n), well obsession was a bit of an understatement. "Do you..feel like it was your fault..?" She asked quietly. "What? No! That was all Ryker! But..I'm kind thinking a lot of my past's so conflicting!" He raged, rubbing the back of his head. "I just want revenge on Hiccup so much!! But then..if I think about it properly..if I killed Hiccup like Ryker killed the changewing..she would end up hating me wouldn't she..?" He asked Heather, turning to her as if looking for some sort of answer. Heather couldn't give one however. She had no words. "I don't know.." Was all she could muster. 

Forgiveness~ Httyd Dagur x reader  (Sequel to Betrothed~)Where stories live. Discover now