S Vulcan 10

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Red! Help me stitch this up!" McCoy yelled at the devil as she quickly did as asked, having seen Abe perform many many medical emergencies on herself. Especially with that spear head.

"Hey McCoy.....it's okay to be scared. And it's not your fault these people die." Red embraced him as Leo chuckled into the hug and said. "When did you become such a sympathizer?"

"When i became a counselor." Red said proudly. Glad she was good for the job.

"What!? When did this happen!?"

"When Kirk became first officer." Red smirked.

"What!? This is what happens when i'm gone! You guys go get promotions.....well i'm not sure about yours--"

"Hey!" Hellsing pushed his arm playfully. "Then again you got promoted too!"

"Yeah, but not in the best situation." Leonard grimaced.

"Yeah well most of us didn't get promotions because we were the best, mainly Kirk. I think what happened was Pike was under a lot of stress and was all like 'ummmm since I'll be gone...who's in front of me...oh Kirk! Your first officer now' because lets face it, its Kirk!"

"Hahah, yeah i'm sure that's what happened. Now why are you wearing a red dress, i thought you were naked for a second!"

"Ha. Ha. No this is all i had in my room, (courtesy of Pike) so i tried to put my accessories on, to distinguish my sexy form from cloth, guess not." Red grumbled and straightened her B.P.R.D. belt. "I think he wants me killed." She glanced down at the red color again.

"I'm sure he just couldn't give you a blue one since your not interested in science or do---"

"Yeah yeah, now help me burn some incense!"

"Whaa--?" And before he could protest some more, the she devil finished and then 'secretly' pulled a lollipop out of her gun.

"Uhh what are you eating?" Bones asked, seeing her munch on something.

"Wotwin" The red woman said through a mouth full of the sugary goods.

"You know you could die from choking."

She simply finished them off and turned around. "Choke on what?" She smirked.

*sigh* "The lollipops."

"Nooo! How'd you know? What gave it away!?"

".....there's a wrapper on the floor."

Turning around she noticed it to be true. "Dammit! I'm used to having pockets!"

"Is that what you do every time you go in a corner!?" The doctor face-palmed.

"....maybe. But you can't tell Kirk!!" The red woman begged.


"He'll steal them." She hissed.

"You do know none of us care about eating a lollipop every twenty minutes."

"So i can eat them out in the open!?" Red rejoiced.


"Good cause the cats were tryi--"

"The CATS!? Now how the hell did you get those aboard!?"

"Uh, my coat pockets! Duh!"

"And i know i don't want to know....but, how many are there?" Bones saw her pause, thinking, as his anticipation grew.

"....A couple..."

"How many?" Bones said sternly.

"Not that much."

"How many."

"Barley any."

"How many!" Bones was truly worried now.


"Whew. Goo--"

"...hundred." Red ran out of there as Bones brandished a hidden hypo. Always having them in case of Red or Kirk.

"Gotta go! You know check up on Kirk!" McCoy slinked back to work, clutching one of the lollipops that fell from her....well he doesn't know where they come from.

Red ran back to the bridge, slinking in, she hid behind Spock's chair. He was probably to emotional to sense her presence with his Vulcan-teniseis.

She arrived just as Spock started his conclusion. "......creating a black hole...at the center of Vulcan?"

Chekov and everyone on the bridge looked heart striken. "... yessir."

"How long does the planet have?"

"... minutes, Sir. I'd say minutes."

"Lieutenant alert Vulcan Command Center to signal a planetwide evacuation---all channels---all frequencies---maintain standard orbit." Spock got up as the language dude got to work.

"Let's go get 'em!" Red fist bumped the air as she stood up, scaring a couple people and alarming the rest, even Spock looked a little taken aback.

Red smiled till she saw everyone do a double take on her outfit. "I didn't choose this color!!"

Spock too had taken a another look, noticing her form without her previous clothes and is quick to remember his mission, getting into the turbolift, Hellsing following.

"Go back, Miss Hellsing. I do not require counselling."

"I know, i'm just gonna check on Kirk and Sulu." Hell suggested.

"May i ask a question?"

"Yeah, shoot."

" I am not in possession of a gun, your reply is confusing, though I will take it as a metaphor. And my question is, if you would be interested in giving me some advice."

"Sur--" Red was cut off as Chekov was yelling. "I CAN DO THAT! I CAN DO THAT!" And probably making his way to the engineer room as they entered the transporting area where a pain filled Kirk and Sulu hit, clutching each other.

"Aww ain't that just sweet. You deserve each other." Red smirked devilishly as they peeled away from each other and stood up.

"Glad to see you too Red." Jim scoffed and engulfed her in a hug. "Wait...What are you wearing!!? I thought you were naked for a second, not that i would mi--"

"I didn't choose it!!"

"....thanks." Sulu muttered to Kirk about saving his life.

"....yeah, not a problem."

"Aww already exchanging love vows." Red gushed then pushed Kirk away as Spock too stepped onto one of the transporter pads.

"Step aside. I'm going to the surface." The devilish woman just shook her head and bent down, copying Spock.

As the engineer worked the console Kirk shouted. "The surface of what? YOU'RE GOING DOWN THERE? Are you nuts?! RED!!"

"Energize." And with a wink from Red they dematerialized.

Ok I hope it is good. Ok so 980 words.

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