W Told You 35

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While Scotty was discovering the worst! Hellsing was getting a well deserved glare from Spock, no matter how unnoticeable it was and McCoy was glaring though more openly.

Kirk wasn't that mad as he was actually thankful that both McCoy and Hellsing made it out alive. "What have we got?"

Carlos was explaining everything while Spock and Hellsing went in a scheduled corner.

"Counselor. I must express my deep dislike towards the picture you drew. As it is highly inappropriate and i am already with another. A female." Hellsing felt very very sorry. She had never meant to embarrass him so much.

"Spock i am really sorry. I did not mean anything by it, i was just drawing what Jim had said." Now knowing how Hellsing's brain work, Spock instantly understood but still wondered what Jim had said...it was disturbing.

"What was it that the Captain had said to have given you this conclusion?"

"Well Jim said you were a great orator and i know oral means sex so i assumed that what he meant. I thought Jim wanted to get some."

Now the Vulcan just felt sorry for his friend. He knew she wasn't educated well, but he didn't think it was this bad! "Miss Hellsing orator is someone who is excellent at--"

"Sex. I kn--"

"No. It means you are good in--"


"Please. You would be good in arguments. And oral does not relate to sex if used by itself--"

"So mast--"

"Wrong again Miss Hellsing. Oral means speech. For a reference, when you take an oral exam, it is when you recite aloud what you have learned."

"So it still has to do with the mouth. What a coincidence. Thank you Pocky for the lesson. It has cleared many things up. And i am sorry again." This time the red woman grabbed her Vulcan by the waist, forcing him into a hug.

The half human slowly patted her on the head and pushed her away, highly uncomfortable. "I think you should reconsider your education."

Her eyes turned to slits, offended. "Then i would have to leave the Enterprise."

"I would assume education more important,but if you do not have the same views may i interest you in private lessons." Spock always considered education the most important as all Vulcans should. He thought it a crime to as humans say 'be that dumb.'

The two seemd to reach a point of understanding and decided to join in om the conversation, just in time it seemed. "--He's alive. But if we try to revive him without the proper sequencing, it could kill him. This technology's beyond me."

The Vulcan was surprised and always one for information. "How advanced, Doctor?"

"It's not advanced. That cryo tube is ancient." Carol said.

Bones scratched his head in confusion. He sure was surprised by this. "We haven't needed to freeze anyone since we developed warp capability, which explains the most interesting thing about our friend here. He's three hundred years old."

"Holy shit! 300 years ago that's like fucking Captain America and he was frozen!"

McCoy glanced at her, he was thinking of a different superhero. "Or superman."

"Like in smallville! That dude who was 300 and immortal, he had to fight Clark and it was really cool then my wittle bald baby came and whopp--"

"Okay stop. Were straying, like always. Now its time to pay our superman a visit." Jam announced, rubbing his hands together like an evil master mind.

Bones was definitely not ready for another visit with Harrison especially with Hellsing tagging along, thinking of what she did last time. Spock seemed to ha e the same thought, which was again disturbing.

"Captain, if i may suggest not allowing Miss Hellsing to join us in confronting John Harrison."

Clutching her heart in mock hurt, the she devil said. "I thought we made up! I see you hold grudges."

"No, Counselor. I am merely making a reference to the last time you couldn't keep your emotions under control and almost killed the prisoner." The Vulcans cold logic true, but it would never stop Hellsing from doing anything she set her mind to, though she hadn't set her mind to it and didn't really want to see the pedo.

Kirk flinched as did McCoy, leaving Carlos in confusion, who has just sat back and watched hoping not to get on the counselors bad side. Though the blonde woman really questioned how the red alien got the job of synthesizer.

"He's right. I'll meet you guys in the bridge! Bye!" Waving Hellsing went to leave, though still in earshot to hear Jim mutter.

"Crazy bipolar bitch, but that why i love her." James chuckled as the three men and woman were facing Kirks way leaving his back unprotected.

Hellsing snuck up on her 'friend' a glare that would send Zeus in the underworld.

All McCoy could do was point, his face pale in fear.

Carol too was wide eyed gaping.

Spock was as emotionless as ever though was thinking when the Captain had grown feelings for the counselor. To late as she seemed to became aware, though her expression was far from happiness as most women would be.

"What. Did. You. Call. Me?"

The three people watched as their Captains face turned an unhealthy pale -as Spock thought- he started to stutter, not wanting to turn around.

"L-l-look-k, R-re-red. L-letss n-not-t bbbe t-too ra-rash." He held his hands up in surrender. James knew that even if he did just say how much he cared for her -in a brotherly way, Spock- she was going to hurt him like in the academy days.

The blonde mans face screwed up, hands blocking his crown, knowing the pain was soon to follow and it did, though in his stomach, thankful she didn't hit him in the southern region.

Spock watched, shock on his face as the Captain fell like a sack of po-ta-toes! T'gai had seen many human interactions where they would pretend to hit one another. It was something friends seemed to do as strange as it sounded. But he never expected...well there was a 49.999% Hellsing would physically harm the Captain. She could get kicked out! One of their first lessons will have to be on respect and holding your emotions in check.

"Bye Tiber."

"B-bye Red." He muttered weakly, waving his hand for emphasise.

Skipping away to the bridge, Bones helped his friend up with a laugh. "I told you! She's got Vulcan hearing!.. AndIf you comment Spock I'll tell Hellsing you called her the B word."

Reaching the bridge she instantly sat in the chair. "Abby pull up my escape video and erase all evidence of its existence."

Smirking, he answered. "Of course Captain and if i may, why do you call me Abby? It's been bothering me." His hands treaded across the board, pulling up the file and doing as said.

"Oh its quite simple really. See Absolutely sounds like Abb-Sulu-tely and since you ahve Abbs and its in the word, it fit and i couldn't call you Sulu. That would be weird."

Rolling his eyes at Uhura, who was laughing. "That would be weird." Hikaru stated sarcastically.

"I know! So what did you think of my escape?"

"Unnatural. And against regulation. You can't have pets aboard!" Nyo claimed, still monitoring space in case a Bird-of-Prey swooped by.

"I have no pets."

"It was clearly in the video!"

"There is no video." Hellsing smirked, a very creepy look.

Abby shook his head and smirked. "Yeah and an interesting picture you drew."

"I know. It's one of my many skills, that I hone to perfection." Smirking she grabbed Nyota's notebook. "I'll prove it."

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