O Diferent Lands 13

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Meanwhile on Vulcan McCoy and the other medical staff had set up medical tents and searched for Vulcans, and sending out signals.

It was a very busy day and tiring, everyone had at least a scratch, the worse scenario was missing a limb or half their brain crushed. He had saved a lot and seen a lot of bodies. It was sad to see.

Bones was exhausted and took a break, making his way over to the Katraic Ark. After hearing the Vulcans say a blinding light shot up into the sky and that lead to the opening of the portal with the octopus that saved them and their planet. Though no one knew who yet, though McCoy had a growing suspicion as to who had done it, especially when he had been fixing the elders up, Spock had brought, they talked about a red devil.

"Dammit why are there so many stairs!?" The doctor cursed to no one and pulled the lollipop out, eating it.

"Not bad."

Making it to the top, Bones noticed the red form on the floor. Her long black hair spread out like a halo and half her horns ripped off while another half was on the floor next to her tail.

Running towards her he reached out only to pull back at the extensive heat she shed.

"Dammit! No! Red! Hellsing! Get up!" McCoy begged for this to be a dream, wishing he could hug her.

Maybe he could still save her. Pulling out some medical supplies he tried.
"Red!" The doctor was heart broken and he cried, holding the lollipop in his hand. "She's dead."

When he calmed down he thought of everything that could have happened and why the red demon wasn't brought to instant medical attention! Yeah she was scorching! But they could have done something. He could have done something!

Standing up, and filled with rage he picked up the broken off horns, whispering a promise. "I-i'm s-sorry Red.....Dammit! That pointy eared bastard'll pay! Why didn't he say anything! I could have helped!" McCoy shed more tears and took another glance at his companion, his friend, and his sister.

Leaving to the Enterprise.

Kirk himself had just got done talking to Prime Spock, and been given an order to emotionally compromise Spock.

James had gained a new companion though, an amazing engineer with the name Scotty. They ended up on turbine station three and after saving the Irish man, were they escorted by the bald man from all those years ago, the one Red had called cupcake and he wasn't to keen on being nice.

The bridge doors whoosh open as Kirk and Scotty are ushered in by the Secerity guards.

Spock moves to them, containing his anger and dismay. He walks right up to Kirk and raises his eyebrow.

"Surprise." Kirk muttered sarcastically.

Spock looks at the Irish man. "Who are you?"

"He's with me." Kirk counteres.

Spock just ignores the comments and continues on his quest to get answers. "We're travelling at warp. How did you manage to get aboard this ship?"

Kirk stares at Spock and says. "You're the genius, you figure it out."

"As acting captain of this vessel I order you to answer the question."

"Well I'm not telling. Acting Captain." Scotty is face-palming in the background wondering if that's the best Kirk could do. "Does that frustrate you? My lack of cooperation...does it make you angry?"

Spock zeros in on Scotty, again. "You are not a member of this ship's crew. Under penalty of court martial, I order you to explain to me how you beamed ab--"

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