O Kirked Out 12

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They arrived on the energizing pads only for a couple of the medical crew to take the new arrivals down to the other 10,000. Where Kirk was getting his hand treated from the fight. He looks up to see the new arrivals getting treated also.

Spock opens up a captains log. "Acting Captain's log. Stardate 2256.42: I have assumed command of the Enterprise." He leaves the med bay and heads towards the bridge.

"We've heard no word from Captain Pike. I have therefore classified him a hostage of the war criminal known as Nero."

Spock sits down in the captain's chair, reporting. He's glassy-eyed, staring at nothing as he speaks. Behind him, the crew was looking at him in concern. "Nero, who has destroyed part of my home planet. And some of its six billion inhabitants. I estimate no more than four billion survived. While the essence of our culture has been saved, in the elders who now reside upon this ship. Though the planet was saved due to Miss Hellsing's right stone hand that seemed to open up a portal to an abnormal human octopus, that now holds Vulcan together." Spock considers this. Then clicks off the log recorder and moves into the turbolift.

Why did this happen to him? What did he do to Nero? Why didn't he stop Hellsing? He almost lost his family, his mother, his planet, his people, but instead it was sacrificed by one life.

He kept repeating in his head: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Pressing the stop button, he breathed in and punched the wall, leaving a dent.

He heard a whimper and looked down, to see the baby le-manta still clutched in his hand.

Straightening his outfit he unstopped the giant elevator and left to the bridge again, keeping the creature close.

Kirk comes down the hall, stretching his bandaged hand. Jim wanted to see Red and make sure she was okay, she was probably in med bay though, helping McCoy.

While walking down the hall he stops. Standing at the other end of the corridor, operating a datapad is a familiar-looking green girl.

He pauses, feeling guilty and moves toward her. "Hey." She turns around to hear what this idiot has to say. "Listen, about what happened at Starfleet. The test and everything-- I know it looks like I was...using you, or whatever. And I'm sorry. I really am. And...I just hope you'll forgive me." Kirk fidgets, remembering when Red beat him up for not apologizing about stepping on one of her cats tails.

The green girl just stared at him for a long beat, as if she's just pissed.

The Kirk's face changes into one of realization. "...you're not Gaila, are you?"

Now she looked pissed. "No. I'm not Galia." And then she walks off.

Kirk nods and mumbles a sorry then continues on his way.

"Lieutenant, have you confirmed that Nero is headed for Earth?" Spock asked. "How stable is vulcan, Chekov?"

The brown haired linguist is getting a lot of attention and could even be called one of the main characters so he deserves a name, Howard. "Their trajectory suggests no other destination, Captain. Though Nero has yet to move away from Vulcan, he is still near the planet."

"Earth may be his next stop, but we have to assume every Federation planet's a target." Kirk strolled in then paused, looking around. "Whats in your hands?"

Everyone looked at Spock as they had all been wondering the same thing, but he ignored it and prompted Chekov to answer.

"Vulcan is very stable, nothing is amiss. And i do agree with Kirk, but why didn't they destroy us?"

"Send a medical team down to Vulcan to help the rest of the survivors."

"Aye sir." And off went one of the people on bridge.

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