O Hell 14

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Hellsing had been swimming in her councious. Looking at all her memories, the good, the bad, and the ones about home.

She did miss it dearly and though it was just Abe and....Liz. Red couldn't find happiness over there with pops gone. He was her father and though Pike himself had found a way in her heart as a father figure he could never become pops.

She knew she was dead because of the man or should she say demon in front of her.

Well he was coated in ice and around him were the belongings she had yet to claim. The house was empty of people or any being.

Though on the bookshelf there was a red hand in glass, really creepy, it was a baby hand, her hand. Hellsing's biological father had chopped her hand off and replaced it with the key, the right hand of doom.

"Guess that bastard kept my arm. Real creepy." Red muttered and walked over to his closet, wanting to get out of the red dress.

"Well his clothes are shit. Horrible taste." She sighed sadly and walked over to the throne.

Dead. Now all she had left was to become the Duke or lady in her biological father's place, there wasn't a way to get back, she was dead!

Then again the she devil wasn't one to give up. Stepping away from the throne she picked up a book and started the long dreadful, very very dreadful time of reading.

She couldn't understand why anyone would want books in their house let alone read them! Just watch the movie!

After an hour the red woman had finished chapter one, thirty pages. Yep! That much. I know it's a lot.

Red started going through all her amulets, charms, herbs, and enchantments.

Nothing. Nada.

Getting up she looked out the window, thinking on asking the neighbor for help, but instantly decided not to as the neighbor looked busy tourchring some humans, wouldn't want to disturb the good demon. Red thought sarcastically.

Looking around some more she found his stash of drachmas. "Fucking Greek freak." Red muttered, but still pocketed the coins.

"You know what daddy dear? I'm gonna go talk to Charon. I am going to get out of here no matter what!" With that she held her gun close and picked up the belongings she had yet to claim, they could make a useful trade to the boat freak.

On her way there the revealing dress was attracting unwanted attention and she had killed a couple of them and threatened a demon named Sebastian Mitchells when he didn't give her directions.

Making her way down to the docks where a hooded man was being handed bills. Paper money! Ha! By three individuals. One with Justin beiber hair and a girl with long brown hair and a sword. Then a man with a half goat body, they were busy setting hundred dollar bills in Charons hand and before he could burn them the devil ran down to the edge and waved her hands at the group on the other side of the lake thing.

"Hey! Charon I have some drachmas and a nice duke's ring! Come over here!" With that he ignored the trios begging as they too showed drachmas, but the dead man was dead set on getting my stuff first.

Once he was over he showed his hand. "Yeah yeah." The she devil muttered and then set said coins in his outstretched palm. "You can have the ring, once you show me the Star Trek exit." He rolled his eyes in anger, though moved aside.

Hellsing had decided that her world will just have to wait.

Charon stood there for a while, thinking and before Red yelled at him he moved the boat back over to the trio.

"Noooo I don't wanna share the boat! Charo---"

He cut her off with a growl. "Don't test me! I can pick up whoever I want! Or do you want to leave."

"Yeah I want to leave that's why I'm on this bo---"

"Give him the drachmas, Percy!" The sword carrying one said as Charon held his hand out and glared at the demon in his boat.

Once the money was in his hand he allowed the trio to squeeze in next to Red.

"So....Who are you?" The goat man asked, trying to break the ice.

"....Hellsing, and you are?"

"I'm Grover and thi--"

"--Wait! Are you Percy Jackson and your Annabeth who's last name I don't know. That shitty book Rick Riordan made, the movie was horrible, so I guess the book is just as bad, not that I would read....---" Hellsing was cut off by Percy as the other two were gripping their weapons....Well Grover didn't really have a weapon.

"Are you after the...." Jackson trailed off not sure if he should ask.

"The lightning. No. I don't need that shit. I'm leaving to the living." She shrugged.


"Yep...So you guys going to Hades?" Hellsing asked.

"Yep." Annabeth said, wanting to get the job done.

"Cool, well...Hey Charon we almos---." And there was a big exit or entrance however you look at it. Getting out she handed Charon the ring. "Hey what did you mean by book and movie?" Annabeth asked, she was the smart one.

"What!? I can't hear you!? Sorry!" And with that she ran to the exit of Hell and entrance to Star Trek. Where a giant green dragon stood on two feet.

"Can I help you?" She hissed.

"Yes! I am here to ask about your day." Red sauntered in annoyance.

"Oh really? Well it wa--"

"No! I'm here to go through the door, your big ass is hiding!" The green woman disliked her tone and took a swipe only for Red to dodge and shoot the gorgon in eye.

"AHHHHHHHH! YOU CURS-ED BRAT! YOU'LL PAY!" And she swiped at Hellsing again, giving the red woman a glimpse of the oozing poison dripping from the claws.

The she demon pulled a lollipop out and tried to eat it only to cough it up. "Ugh! Glad I'm leaving." Red muttered and brandished the sword from her tail and slashed away at the green dragon. Hellsing gave no time for the gorgon to recuperate and in a minimum time Medusa's sister was lying n the floor with half a leg and bleeding out. "Already down, ugly?"

Standing on top of her, Red plunged the sword in the Gorgons head, ignoring her pleading. Hades can always get another guard.

Smirking the devil whipped the blood off her sword and pushed past the bronze doors as the gorgon exploded in glitter.

Okay I hope you like my little crossover crossover. Ok so 1128 words.

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