Chapter 26- Lets go on an adventure

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((Lapis POV))

Peridot decided to stay another night, despite the embarrassing incident that happened between us. We pretty much watched CPH all night and fell asleep on the couch, with Peri cuddled up next to me. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep. I looked down at Peri and smiled. She looks so cute when she's asleep. I took off her glasses and put them on my own face, just for fun. "Woah.." I whispered, admiring at how large everything looked through the glasses. I removed the glasses from my face and set them aside. An idea sprouted in my mind.

I nudged Peri's shoulder, earning an annoyed groan from her. I giggled quietly and kept trying to wake her up. She eventually rolled over, facing away from me. I stood up and sat on the side of the couch she was facing, leaned down, and kissed her. Her eyes shot open and she kissed back. She broke the kiss after a few seconds, and glanced at the clock that hung on the wall.

"Lazuli, please explain why you woke me up at 12:28 am?" She asked.

"Well I woke up, and I got lonely. I also had an idea," I replied.

She sighed. "What is it?"

"Let's go on an adventure!" I said excitedly.

((Peridot's POV))

"An adventure? Seriously?! At 12:28 in the morning!?" I yelled quietly.

"Yeah, but not just any adventure. You'll need something." She said.

"Like what..?"

"Would you be more comfortable in your underwear or borrow a bathing suit?"

I facepalmed myself. "And why would I need that Lazuli?"

"I wanna bring you somewhere."

"There's no way out of this is there?" I sighed. Lapis gave me puppy eyes and shook her head. "Okay. Let's go. Are we just gonna sneak out?"

"Yep. But you never answered my question."

"I'll just go in my underwear I guess. As long as it's only the two of us." She smiled and put her shoes on, and I did the same.

"I'd wear this, you might be cold after." She said as she threw a hoodie at me. Lapis gathered two towels and opened the door.

We walked down the sidewalk, leading a way I've never been before. I trust that Lapis knows where she's going. After a few minutes of walking I yawned. Lapis looked down at me and placed her arm around my waist, and I did the same to her.

"We're here," she finally said. We were standing in front of a bunch of trees.

"Where exactly are we?" I asked.

((Lapis POV))

"Pumpkin Pond."

"Well I see the pumpkins," she said, nodding towards the wild pumpkins growing by the trees. "But where's the pond?"

"Heh follow me," she said motioning for me to follow. I did as she said, pushing past shrubs, bushes, and trees that blocked the path to the pond, gaining a few scrapes and scratches.

"Welcome to Pumpkin Pond!" She said excitedly. "I come here when I'm stressed or upset. Or I just want to get out of the house at 12:30 in the morning with my girlfriend. Either way, I come here.

"So you brought me here to swim I assume?" She stated, trying her best to sound excited.

"Yeah!" I replied. "You can swim, right?"

"Um...yeah. I can, but I'm not very good."

"Great! I'll race you in then!" I said happily. I took my shirt off and threw it aside, and did the same with my pants, revealing my blue bra and panties set. I saw Peridot staring at me, and I winked at her. She laughed nervously and a laughed at her. "Come on slowpoke!" I yelled as I ran to the water.

Peridot finally snapped out of her gaze and began taking off her clothes, being careful to not let them touch too much dirt. "Come on!!" I yelled to her. She rolled her eyes and sauntered over to the pond.

"This is a surprisingly clean pond," Peri whispered to herself as she waded in. I giggle as a response.

"You're so slow!" I said laughing as I splash some water up at her. She covered her face and fell backwards, completely soaking from her chest down. She grumbled and stood back up. She looked really mad, and her hair was covering her face.

"Um...Peri? Sorry, I didn't mean to make you fall over," I said walking towards her to comfort her.

"Oh. It's okay Lazuli," she said. That's when she tackled me down into the water. We laughed and laughed, wrestling in the shallow part of the pond.

Then we heard a rustling in the bushes.

We immediately stopped.

A/N dun dun dunnnn (no not Josh Dun) but yep sorry for not updating in a while. I had a writers block for a while but I'm back! What's the noise???? You'll have to keep reading to find out! 😉 Thanks for reading!

Ps 810 words you're welcome

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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