Chapter 23- The Date

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((Peridot's POV)

I stood outside the door waiting for Lapis. I saw her walking towards me with a smile on her face, wearing a beautiful long blue dress. I smiled back at her as she walked closer to me.

"Hey beautiful!" I yelled. "You ready for tonight?"

"You know it!" She yelled back. When she got closer to me she was about to hug me but I stopped her quickly. I pointed to the door that I was standing in front of. "She's in there and if she sees me with won't be good. Let's wait until we're out of sight of the house." I whispered. Lapis nodded in agreement.

We walked for a few minutes until we were sure that we wouldn't be seen by my mom. Then I practically jumped into Lapis' arms to embrace her.

"You look amazing," Lapis said.

"So do you!" I said back, giggling. When she let me go, I stood on my tip toes to reach her face and kissed her on the cheek. She blushed as I did this. "So where are we going?"

"You'll have to wait and see~" she replied. I was anxious to know but Lapis wouldn't budge.

She led me across town, to the fanciest restaurant in beach city. I gasped at the sight of the beautiful scenery around us was.

"Lapis...I don't...deserve this. I'm not worth this kind of stuff-" I started, but Lapis cut me off.

"Yes you are Peridot. Please don't ever say you're not worthy of anything, because you are worth everything to me," Lapis said, then kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and hugged her and said thank you.

We walked into the restaurant, and the waiter showed us to our table. We sat down and looked at the menu.

"What are you gonna get?" Lapis asked me.

"I dunno. What about you?" I replied.

"I heard they have really good steak here. I was thinking about getting one, but it might be too much for me."

"We could share if you want to try it? And I could get something else and we could just eat half of mine and half of yours?"

"That sounds great!" Lapis said happily.

"Then it's settled. What should I order?"

"I dunno, salad?"


The waiter came to our table and asked what we wanted for a drink. Lapis ordered tea, and I decided to try it too. I've never had tea before, so I figured tonight would be a good time to try it.

The tea came, and then we ordered the food. Once the man left our table, I decided to attempt to strike up a conversation.

"So it seems as if I hardly know you...let's ask each other random questions," I said.

"Sure! You first."

"Okay. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?"

"Hmm...probably anywhere with water. I don't know what it is about water, but I love it."

"Hm that's cool. Ok now your turn."

"Ok...what's your favorite hobby?"

"Anything with technology. I love computers and robots and stuff."

"Heh nerd." Lapis laughed.

After a while of random, meaningless questions, the food came. We split our meals into two equal portions and started eating. We took a few bites and Lapis began more conversation.

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