5) Aaron Rose

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Aaron woke up and cast a look around. He felt bewildered but his first thought was his wife.Mary had taken sleeping pills so it was no surprise that she was still asleep. He smiled in relief and checked himself. He seemed okay until he tried to move when he realised that his ankle was agonising when he tried to move it.

"Help!" He called out. A man with black hair and blue eyes knelt down by Aaron.

"Hi there, I'm DR Jerry Foster. Are you okay?"

"My ankle." DR Foster looked at it, quickly.

"I think it's just an extremely bad sprain. I presume you can't stand." Aaron wriggled himself into a sitting position and managed to stand, holding onto the backs of the chairs to aid him. He couldn't put any weight on his hurt ankle.

"Is this your wife?"DR Foster was still knelt by Mary who was still sleeping.

"Yes. Mary."

"I think Mary needs to get out too."

"She had sleeping pills." Aaron explained.

"Okay... You get out over there, and we'll get your wife-"

"No. She comes with me." DR Foster closed his eyes for a second and then nodded.

"Okay," He glanced around. "Robert. Come here and help this gentleman." A man of around thirty with brown hair and blue eyes walked over, stepping over chairs. He helped Aaron through the wreckage. DR Foster picked up Mary. They made their way through the train where Aaron insisted that Mary was helped through first. She was and then Aaron was given a leg up through the window where another man with blonde hair and brown eyes around forty years old helped him slide down the train.Aaron collapsed as he landed badly on his ankle.

"Oh God, are you okay?"A woman jogged over to him and wound her arms around his waist to support some of his weight.

"Where's my wife...?Mary?" Aaron looked around for Mary. He found her being laid down with some others who still looked... not awake yet.

The woman helped Aaron over to Mary when he pointed her out. He sat down heavily by her head and stroked her hair.

 "Come on Mary... It's time to wake up now... We need to know you are okay. Wake up now."

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