16) Samantha Roberts

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Samantha woke up to hear Pansy speaking softly to her newborn. It had been quite lucky really that women came with their own feeding system otherwise baby Edward would have starved due to no formula being found. Samantha's back was to Pansy so Pansy did not know she had awoken. Terri was awoke though too, sipping on a cup of warm tea. Terri spotted Samantha was awake and smiled at her, she couldn't hide the sympathy in her eyes though.

"Morning Sam. Here,have a drink." Sam sat up now Terri had alerted her presence to Pansy. Terri offered the cup to Sam and she took it gratefully. It wouldn't get rid of the morning breath but it was nice to have a drink, she felt so parched. She also felt quite weak and limp.

"Ah you're awake,"Jerry came over. "How are you this morning, Sam?"

"Marvellous." Sam whispered as she took another sip.

"I want you to keep drinking plenty of fluids. All day today. Okay?" Samantha nodded,not really having much energy to say yes.

"Make sure she stays awake now." Jerry said to Pansy and Terri who nodded. Jerry then went to check on Pansy and Edward. Samantha blocked it all out. She didn't want to hear how cute Edward was and how fancy pants the whole situation went. She didn't care. She didn't want to know. She would have asked if she could move away from Pansy and Terri but gathered that Jerry wasn't going to let her. No idea why but he seemed to have the thought that they were now friends.

Jerry moved away and Samantha closed her eyes, wishing she could be taken away from here.

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