20) Michael Jones

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Katie was given a few scans to check her head to make sure she was okay. She was declared fine but the doctors wanted her to stay overnight for observation.She was therefore to be moved to the children's ward so they could free up a bed. Peter was also to stay in order to keep an eye on him but he didn't need a bed like Katie's. The doctor told them that Katie could have a private room for the night so her family could stay and Peter could have a campbed set up there. The room was being prepared currently.

As for Bethany, Michael could see how terrified she was to be left alone and had a feeling that if he went with Katie, Bethany would definitely make a run for it. He therefore held the lost girl's hand and talked to her soothingly. While waiting for Social Services, the doctor had run tests on Bethany to ensure her epilepsy was in check. If she was kept in for observation, she would be in the ward specifically for children with epilepsy, not on the same ward as Katie. Michael would also not get visiting rights due to Bethany not being a relation of his. He was terrified of leaving the girl alone because he knew her fear and understood it. He hadn't had the best childhood either and wanted to be there for her, after all he would have wished anything for someone to be with him when he was a child.

The Social Worker came eventually and she introduced herself to everyone, shaking hands. She was called Shannon Taylor.

"Can I have a word?"Michael said. Shannon nodded and the pair walked away.

***Samantha Roberts***

Samantha was taken away from Terri and Pansy and woke up in Accident and Emergency. Nurses and doctors were talking around her busying themselves with machines and the like. She recognised one familiar voice as she lifted her heavy eyelids to look around.

"Jerry?" She asked.Jerry was in the corner of the cubicle, he smiled over at her.

"Alright, Sam?"

"Definitely been better." She murmured.

"Samantha Roberts,yes?" One of the doctors asked. She looked up at him. Wow he was gorgeous. FOCUS SAM.


"You've lost a heck of a lot of blood. We're going to give you a couple of blood transfusions and see how you do okay?"


"You've also got an I.V line to keep you hydrated but keep drinking water and eat lots alright?"


"Okay. Have you got anyone we can call, Sam?"

"Yep. My boyfriend."

"No family members we can call?"

"Definitely not. My mother would go apeshit. My father will most likely be at work anyway."

"Have you got a number?" The doctor took a pen and notebook out from his doctor's coat pocket and scribbled the digits that Samantha told him. He then left. Jerry came to her bedside.

"How is everyone?"Jerry took her hand.

"They're all doing great. I've got to give my statement yet but that can wait a little while, I want to help out where I can."

"Have you been examined?"

"The second I walked through the door. I'm fine."

"Do you know where Terri and Pansy are?" Jerry winced.

"Yep." Samantha waited then realised he wasn't going to answer.

"Well where then?" He winced again and opened his mouth to answer just as Jack walked in.Jack had aged up nicely. His hair was brushed untidy as if he had been running his fingers through it. His hazel eyes were worried.



 "I'll leave you to it."Jerry excused himself, making Samantha internally curse. She hadn't thought of a reason as to why she had bled out so much. Maybe this was it though. Maybe honesty was the best policy in this case scenario... She sighed heavily. It was going to be a long night...

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