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Mark's pov

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Mark's pov

"Go Dash! Go! Go! Go! You can do it!!!"

"It's not at all cold dude. The sun has just set, the dare is easy-peesy, you don't need to think so much."

Both the girls were cheering for him as if it was some life or death situation. Maybe for him, we never know. I don't get it, what is the need of wasting this much energy on this creature.

Besides all this fuss, the moment he removed his shirt, both of them were gawking at him without a blink. I was worried about Emilia's eyes, they were about to come out of their sockets. Well about Jean what can I possibly say, A leopard can't change its spot, she is very open with her likes and dislikes. She, being a wayward person, does hell lot of unexpected things, like for instance can stare at my sister's about-to-be boyfriend without any kind of embarrassment. More than half of our school's male population has asked her out, and she dated lot of them (even after her crazy prince charming theory) but never settled in any kind of real relationship. Searching for the one, who maybe didn't exist at all. But I decided not to be the one to tell her that.

I was brought back, out of my thoughts by Dash's remark.
"Girls, a picture would last longer. You can stare at it all day."

"I would love too. But taking your picture will come under animal abuse." Jean threw back at him.

I guess few minutes back, calling him creature was correct enough. Whatever Jean said was her being sarcastic, like her father, but on the other hand it seemed ironic because she was an animal lover. She once had a hamster- Aggy, then a parrot -Apple ( because she got it from an apple store, I seriously don't know how) , Cat named Oreo ( as that cat was near an McDonald's outlet and Jean was eating Oreo Mcflurry when she noticed it), dog called Lemon (yeah I guess that came from a lemonade or something) but unfortunately most of them died or gifted to her younger cousins who fell for the animals the moment they laid their eyes on them. She is still planning to get an Owl named Olly, because she feels the name is unique. I think she should name it 'Unique.'

"Mark!! " Emilia cried.
"You zoned out, you better not miss it, he is about to jump."

Then there was this 'Big Splash' for which we had to waste 15 precious minutes. He soon came out with a disgusted face. Emilia went for a towel. Me and Jean were trying our best to control our laughter.

"Oh! Mark and Jeanette you jerkfaces can laugh 'coz your faces are so red it seems like you will pass suppressing your laughter in six seconds." Dash shrugged.

And 3....2....1

We both were on the ground clutching our stomach with laughter and Emilia joined us as well. I didn't know what was that funny, maybe it was because we knew it was supposed to be funny or it was Dash's face. Okay it just seemed that we weren't the jerkfaces at all, that super wet dude was.

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