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Hey everyone!!
Here's the update and by the way

"Okay everybody out!" the doctor almost yelled, as Jean held the edge of the door. Everyone was staring right at him when he, with a unpleasant scowl, continued "Let him get some rest. He's done enough for today. You all can visit him in turns tomorrow."

Everybody nodded in agreement and before I could protest, the room was empty. Doctor stood at the end of my bed, sighing heavily. "I'll call Doctor Brown. She's pretty good with leg fracture," he smiled.

"Fracture!?" I looked down at my leg and there it was. Completely covered with plaster and lifeless, it stood there almost reminding me of Jean.
"Yeah, fracture. Almost healed but still a fracture. See you later Matt."
"It's Mark." I cried out. Moody doctor, I thought.

"So you stood there, holding out your hand in front of the car, almost as you were Superman and could stop it single-handedly." he said.
Yes, Dash Harsley was back to his original self.

"Remind me why you ever get a turn to visit me. Sorry did I say visit, by visit I mean torture me." I murmured.

"Dude don't you believe me. The dude driving the car got a camera fitted, just in case some pinheads who think of themselves as Superman and try to become a hero by saving their girlfriends. Seriously it's awesome. Wanna see?" he plonked on the raised plastic stool placed next to my bed.

I shook my head as hard as I could but instead he said, "I knew you'd say yes."

He shoved his phone near my nose and turned on a video. It was true. The camera was on the car, it was moving rapidly ahead. My heart skipped a beat. A girl came in front of the car, Jeanette. My breath stopped. A boy roughly pushed her aside, his right side visible and raised his hand as if he could really stop the coming threat. And just like that, the camera smacked into the boy.

I couldn't help it. I chortled like a baby on that. "It is more of a Iron man pose." I declared, looking up at his gleeful face.
"Yeah and it has already got about a thousand likes." he pushed his phone down his pocket.

So everyone decided turns to visit me. Mum and dad were first and then Emilia and now Dash. Not that I could do anything about it. Surprisingly, Jeanette was still not here. Like I saved her life a dozen times, at least tried to, a thank-you card would've been nice, but she has her priorities.

I eyes fell over his over pocket and I almost freaked out over what I saw. Doctor Brown said not to flip out on simple things but this so not that.

"Is that-" I made a desperate grasp for it. Dash moved swiftly away, but I got it out just in time. The velvet box shone brightly even in the dim lighting of the room. "No way, " my words hung in air and we both started to tug the box in our directions.

"Give it back!" he shouted.
"Not till you tell me the truth."
"Give it-"

The box finally dropped on the floor and he got down on his knees searching for it.

"Dash Harsley I promise to shoot to you if you don't open the goddamn box and tell me the goddamn truth. I have 12 broken bones and I still have enough life to brutally murder you."

"Actually only 2 bones. One's only scratched and no more sugarcoating that. Alright I'll show you."

He opened up the box still down on his knees and as I expected there was a perfectly gorgeous diamond ring inside that perfectly gorgeous ring box. I opened my mouth to say something when the room's door flew open.

"Okay Mr. Harsley, your time-" the nurse said as she looked down at her clipboard. She finally noticed Dash on his knees holding a diamond and my amazed face "Oh my god! I'm so sorry for interrupting. Please continue." she reached for the door "By the way congratulations Matt."
"It's Mark! What is wrong with the hospital staff."

"And that is how you completely killed my chance with that chick. Her name's Sarah by the way but it doesn't matter now."

"You womanizer." I held his collars.

"Dude I'm just kidding. I don't even know her, I'm in a perfect relationship with Emi." he tried to squirm away. "That's a pretty good grip for a fractured guy." he grinned.

"Don't tell me you're proposing her. She's not even in college yet."

"It's not for her."

"You double-faced cheat."

"No man, it's for my brother. I mean it's for his fiancée. They are getting married. You gotta come too."

I finally let go of his collar. I apologized and we discussed about the marriage for a while. Things didn't change a bit since I was out. School somehow still hasn't started. Catherine's dad got arrested for some drugs dealing and she got shipped off to some Asian country. As for Ivan, he also got involved in some kidnapping case and got in jail for good this time.

As things started to get better I finally asked Dash about Jeanette.

"Ohh she was totally broken. She saw the accident happen. She believed it was all her fault. All I've learnt enough from the past that guilt's not going to any good to anyone. I learnt it the hard, I wouldn't let her. I tried to do my best to cheer her up. You know you're just like Jasper, brave. And that's why I knew you wouldn't give up. That's why she visited you every single day. Because you would not give up on your friends easily."

I smiled the first time when Dash's said something so saintly. There were these things you just couldn't figure out. Like what thought popped up in his mind when Jasper saved a stranger's life. Like why couldn't a plastic flower be as beautiful as a lily. Like how long I'd stay at the hospital. Like where was Jeanette.

So here's the Valentine Day update.

I missed writing so much but my exams are like hurdles between my writings........

Wasn't Dash the cutest in the chapter? 💕💕 I think he's becoming my fav

Anyways Jeanette's gonna show up in the next chapter and I hope u r not dropping down the book just yet

So keep supporting and sending ur love. AGAIN


Love 😘😘

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