Public schools - American
Spencer - "Education is for complete living."
Plato - first philosopher to work in the field of education
Classical conditioning (Pavlov) - in established manner
Connectionism (Thorndike) - learning by selecting an connecting
Operant conditioning (Skinner) - using pleasant or unpleasant consequences
Albert Bandura - "Bobo doll" experiment and Social Learning Theory
David Ausubel - Graphic Organizer; Meaningful Reception Theory -when new experiences are related to what a learner already knows
Jerome Bruner - Discovery Learning or Inquiry Method
Wolfgang Kohler - Insight Learning Theory/Problem Solving - ; Gestalt Psychology
Atkinson and Shiffrin - Information Processing Theory
Interference - the act or an instance of hindering, obstucting or impeding
Cumulative Learning (Robert Gagne) - any task or skill can be broken down to simpler skills which can still be further broken down to move simple tasks or skills.
Multiple Intelligence (Howard Gardner) - refers to mental ability of a person
Interpersonal - others
Intrapersonal - oneself
Field Theory (Kurt Lewin) - an individual must see things from the subject's point of view at a given moment
Ecological Systems Theory (Brofenbrenner) -learning is greatly affected by the kind of environment we are in
Social Constructivism (Vygotsky) - emphasizes how meaning and understanding grow out of social encounters
Learning Styles (David Kolb) - tools utilized by learners to cope and adjust to the learning environment
Convergers - rely on abstract conceptualizing and experimenting
Assimilators - rely most on abstract conceptualizing and reflective observation
Divergers - rely on concrete experience and active participation
Accommodators - rely on concrete experience and active experimentation
Drive Theory (Clark Hull) - condition of arousal on tension that motivates behavior; results from the activation of a need
Self-Efficacy (Albert Bandura) - relates to person's perception of his/her ability to reach a goal
Attribution Theory (B. Weiner) - people's various explanation for successes and failures - their beliefs about what causes attributions