Wilhelm Woundt = german psycologist "founder of modern psychology".Titchener = structuralism psychology
William james, G. Stanley Hall, James M. Cattell.... these three promote "functionalism psychology "Charles Darwin = theories to mental characteristics as human think, feel & behave ("evolutionary psychology")
Herman Ebbinghaus = associationism psychology
Edwin Guthrie = (stimulus and response ) :; temporal conguity
Edward Lee Thorndike = "satisfaction" "the law of effect".
Ivan Pavlov = involuntary behavior
Max Wertheimer = gestalt psychology
Otto Loewi = discovered "acetylchloline" respobsible in stimulation of muscles
Ulf von Euler = discovered "norepinephrine" bringing our nervous system into "high alert"
Arvid Carlsson = discovered "dopamine" the reward mechanisms in the brain
Jean Piaget -- cognitive dev't , info processing , dynamic interrelation.
Sigmund Freud -- psychosexual , psychoanalytic
Erik Erickson -- psychosocial
Lawrence Kohlberg -- moral dev't,
Edward Lee Thorndike -- connectionism
Albert Bandura -- social learning, neo - behaviorism
Robert Gagne -- sequence of instruction
Abraham Maslow -- hierarchy of needs , motivation theory
William Kohler -- insight learning
Robert Havighurst -- Development Task Theory
Benjamin Bloom -- bloom's cognitive taxonomy
Simpsons / Anita Harrow -- psychomotor domain
David Krathwohl -- affective domain
Jerome Bruner -- constructivist, spiral curr, instrumental conceptualism
Lev Vygotsky -- socio-cultural theory of cognitive devt , linguistic theory, Scaffolding
Edgar Dale -- cone of exp. (20% remember)
Kohler, Koffka, weirtheimer -- gestalt psychology
John Locke -- tabularasa , empiricism
Howard Gardner -- multiple int.
Noam Chomsky -- language acquisition theory , fr of linguistic, nativism
David Ausubel -- meaningful learning, graphic organizer, assumption
Charles Cooley -- looking glass self theory
John Flavel -- metacognition
Sandra Bem -- gender schema theory
Elliot Turriel -- social domain theory
Robert Sternberg -- triachic theory of int.
John Watson -- behaviorial theory
Maria Montessory -- transfer of learning, kinder garten preparation of children.
Edward Tolman -- purposive behaviorism and goal oriented
Edward Torrance -- creative problem solving
Bernard Weiner -- attribution theory
Daniel Goleman/coleman? -- emotional intelligence
Wolfgang Ratke -- used vernacular for approaching the class.
mencius -- idealistic wing of confucianism
hzun tzu -- realistic wing of confusianism
Taoism -- lao tzu
Herbart Spencer -- moral devt
Pestallozi -- symmetrical and harmonious devt of child
John Jacques Rosseau -- nature of child
Arnold Gesell - maturation theory
John Dewey - Learning by doing
David Froebel - Father of kinder garten
John Bowly - Attainment Theory
Edward Boro - Six Thinking Hats Theory
Auguste Comte - Father of Sociology
Carlos Linnaeus - Father of modern taxonomy.
John Amos Comencius - Fr. of modern education.
Erasmus Desiderius - Fr. of humanism/ social humanism
William Kilpatrick - Project method.